This is the names and taxonomy Editor for the NSL project, sometimes called the "NSL Editor".
The Editor was released in 2014 running on Rails 4.x and has been in use in the NSL project since then.
This repository does not go back to that original version - it goes back several years to when the Editor was upgraded to Rails 6.
The Editor was upgraded to Rails 7 in 2023.
The original Rails 4.x app repository is now archived. One unfortunate side-effect of starting a new repo for the Rails 6 upgrade was that contributions by others ended up in my (Greg Clarke's) name in the version 6.x app. You also lose the history and context of the changes. Neither of those results was my intention and it seemed like a good idea at a very frustrating time, so start with a clean Rails 6 application and copy in the controller, model, and view files, etc. While most of the app going back to its origins in 2012 is down to me (GC), most of the "tree" ops were coded by others, especially Peter McNeil -- look at the archived v4.x app to find out more.
NSL is the National Species List project of the IBIS team based at the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) site.
The Editor works with and relies on services provides by the NSL Services and the NSL Mapper apps.
It uses the NSL data structures.
Currently running on Ruby 3.x
Note, this app was originally developed, tested, and deployed in JRuby - from 2013-2022, running finally on jruby-
in 2022.
In that year we moved to a C-Ruby deployment on AWS, so it is now developed, tested, and deployed in C-Ruby.
Developed against a Postgresql database, designed to by run as a low-privilege CRUD user.
User authentication/authorisation is via LDAP/Active Directory - originally LDAP, more recently AD.
The NSL database structure was built and seeded as a separate task, away from the Editor, so you'll find no migration or seed files.
As above, this app doesn't carry the information necessary to create the database, which is created and maintained separately from this app.
We use simple Rails testing with fixtures. We mock calls out to the Services app for testing.
We use a structure.sql
file extracted from a copy of an active NSL database. When the database structure changes we need to refresh structure.sql
Set up access to an active NSL database or a local copy of such a database with the latest schema changes.
SCHEMA_FORMAT='sql' rake db:schema:dump
on command line -
Edit the resulting
file - modify thecreate sequence public.nsl_global_seq ...
statement by a) setting thestart with
value to 1, and b) removing theminvalue
constraints.This sequence is set in very particular ways in the various active NSL databases, but we need it simple, predictable, and unconstrained for our test fixtures.
Create a test database, load the sql structure, run tests - e.g.:
createdb -O nsldev ned_test
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:schema:load
bundle exec rails:test
Requires NSL Services and Mapper for some advanced features to work.
This app is constrained to call out to the Services app for "services" such as name construction, taxonomy operations and certain deletes.
The Services app in turn relies on a Mapper app.
Database config file is expected at ~/.nsl/editor-database.yml
Configuration file is expected at ~/.nsl/development/editor-r7-config.rb
(for development).
Set up an NSL database - structure and seed data for look-up tables (seed data files not in this repo). Set up editor-database.yml and editor-r7-config.rb The editor-r7-config.rb must identify a active LDAP authentication/authorisation service. The editor-database.yml user can be the table-owner in development, but should be a less-powerful user in non-devt deploys. You'll need a user registered in that LDAP, ideally with appropriate group memberships cd [app home] rails s
Current stack:
- Ruby version 3.3.5
- Rails version
- Postgresql version 15.7
- Acquire the following:
- vpn config
- database.yml and editor-config.rb files
There are a couple of files/folders you need to acquire from the team before you can start running the docker containers:
All of these live in the root directory of the editor
(see the template.env and acquire the necessary information from the team)vpn
folder containing the vpn configuration.nsl
folder containing the database.yml and editor-config.rb.pgpass
file with the postgress password
# build the containers
docker-compose -f build
# run the postgres db container
# create the necessary database
# and restore the db dump from this container
# e.g psql -U user -d database
docker-compose -f run db_dev bash
# run the containers
docker-compose -f up -d
- Postgres database installed on your machine
- Config files in the right directory. External Configuration Files
- Using RVM or with
- the asdf version manager
# Create database and restore data
psql -U user -d databasename
pgrestore -U user -d databasename path/to/the/source.dmp
# install the gems
bundle install
# run the server
rails s
Since we don't conventionally use db migrations, the annotaterb gem won't be triggered once a db schema is changed.
Manually update the annotations in the models, factories, and fixtures excluding test files:
bundle exec annotaterb models --exclude tests,spec
There is a longish trail of release notes in annuallly rolled-over yaml files held in
and visible from the help menu in the Editor.
Contact ibissupport at anbg for more information.
The Search mechanism is very important - editing NSL data involves a lot of searching.
The Editor Search mechanism is built to allow:
- one page for all searches and results
- one field for all search entry
- use of defined custom search directives
The Search engine behind all this is a little bit complicated, but it has the following benefits:
multiple records of different types can be returned and displayed in a search result
it is trivial to add a new search - simply figure out the required SQL and map it to a new search directive
- no GUI work is required
- no extra search entry fields are required
registering and enabling search on an extra table is possible with a few hours or a solid day's work
The diagram below is a start to documenting where to look in the code for parts of these mechanisms.
Query in the Editor
β β app/controllers/search_controller.rb #search
β Search Request β
β β app/controllers/search_controller.rb #run_local_search
β β
β Search Model βββββ @search =
β β β
ββββββββββ¬βββββββββ β
ββββββββββββ β Search::Base#run_query
βΌ βΌ
βββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββββ
β Old β β New β
β Search Engine β β Search Engine β Search::OnModel::Base
β β β β
βββββββββββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββββ
β β
β Parse Request β app/models/search/parsed_request.rb
β β
β Convert β e.g.
β Directives β app/models/search/loader/name/field_rule.rb
β to SQL β
β β
β Execute SQL β app/models/search/base.rb # run_query
β β
β Display Results β
β ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β
β β β β
β β Summarise Results β β app/views/search/search_result_summary
β β β β
β ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β
β ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β
β β β β
β β Apply record-type to β β app/views/application/search_results/standard/_results.html.erb
β β display β β
β ββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β