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Build and run

JDK 17 is required to build this project. Building locally is however not required to run the app. See next section Run via Docker.

On macOS

./gradlew build

On Windows

gradlew.bat build


java -DDB_HOST=localhost -jar build/libs/vpets-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Run via Docker

There are two docker-compose configs. The default docker-compose.yaml runs this project in a docker container
as well as a mongoDB container.

docker-compose up --build

This will start the app on http://localhost:8080 and mongoDB on mongodb://localhost:27017.

The login credentials for mongodb:

  • username: vpetuser
  • password: letmein

The other docker-compose config docker-compose-db.yaml runs only a mongoDB instance which is useful when
the app is launched from IDE or command line.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-db.yaml up

Test data

There are shell scripts in folder test-data that contain curl requests for setting up test data and making
restful requests relevant to the requirements of this project.

  •, run this to set up metadata, a single player and two pets;
  •, run this to feed pet of id 1;
  •, run this to feed pet of id 1;
  •, run this to stroke ped of id 1;
  •, run this to get all pets for player of id 1;

To reset mongoDB, shutdown docker container by:

docker-compose down

Then remove the contents of folder mongodb/data/.

Then restart docker containers via docker-compose.


  • Metadata driven and NoSQL DB
    • Player collection. A user defines user id and name
    • Pet collection. A pet defines its id, player, type, name and property values
      and a timestamp of lastActionPlayed
    • Metadata collection. A metadata defines pet type which in turn defines pet
      properties and actions targeting properties
  • HTTP API implemented in Spring WebFlux for Reactive and Non-blocking paradigm
  • Embedded mongoDB used for repository testing; Mock objects for endpoint and
    service testing


An HTTP API that will be called by a game client.

Players with zero or more animals

Player entity has a foreign key relationship with Pet entity. The number of
pets owned by a player is determined by how many pet entries present. A player can
have zero or more animals. To get all pets of a user:

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/players/{PLAYER_ID}/pets

Stroking animal makes them happy

A stroke action is defined in the test medatadata:

  "code": "STROKE",
  "target": "HAPPINESS",
  "effect": 20
  • Field code uniquely defines an action.
  • Field target identifies which pet property this action is applicable to.
  • Field effect defines the delta applied to target property. This field is currently integer (+/-) only
    but can be expanded to support other data types such as boolean or enum.

In the example stroke action above, it will increase property HAPPINESS by 20.

To stroke a pet:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @pet.json http://localhost:8080/pets/{PET_ID}/action/STROKE

Feeding animal makes them less hungry

A feed action is defined in the test medatadata:

  "code": "FEED",
  "target": "HUNGER",
  "effect": -10

In the example feed action above, it will decrease property HUNGER by 10.

To feed a pet:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @pet.json http://localhost:8080/pets/{PET_ID}/action/FEED

Animals start with "neutral" happiness and hunger

When a new pet is created, it's properties are set to the half of their range. To add a new pet:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @pet-dog.json http://localhost:8080/pets

Where pet-dog.json contains:

  "id": "2",
  "playerId": "1",
  "type": {
    "code": "DOG"
  "name": "wowo"

Notice that no property values (HAPPINESS or HUNGER) are provided. They are ignored if provided.

The newly created pet entity will have properties:

  "HAPPINESS": "50",
  "HUNGER": "50"

The values are half of their property ranges as defined in metadata:

      "code": "HAPPINESS",
      "max": 100,
      "min": 0,
  "HUNGER": {
      "code": "HUNGER",
      "max": 100,
      "min": 0,

Happiness & hunger change over time

If a pet type has non-zero (+/-) rate defined in metadata, then it's a time-based property and its
value is adjusted by time. Pet rate is also pet type specific. The rateUnit field is used to define
time unit.

    "code": "HAPPINESS",
    "rate": -2,
    "rateUnit": "minute"
  "HUNGER": {
    "code": "HUNGER",
    "rate": 5,
    "rateUnit": "minute"

A lastActionPlayed timestamp for Pet entity is set every time an action is applied to any of the
time-based properties. Those time-based properties are calculated for GET requests to be adjusted
based on rate, rateUnit and lastActionPlayed.

To get a pet (notice property values change over time):

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/pets/{PET_ID}

Different types of animal

Pet types are defined by metadata so can be managed without code change.

To get metadata:

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/metadata

Hunger & happiness change rate vary

Time-based properties have different change type defined on property level.

Prototype which will be expanded upon in the future

The design of this prototype has future extension in mind.

  • Metadata driven so that code change is minimized when new pet types/actions are added.
  • API endpoints are grouped largely based on data. This allows breaking up this app into multiple
    microservices if needed.

Further improvement

  • Test coverage. Tests are written only for selected classes for this prototype but cover core logic
    of time-based properties, service, endpoint and repository.
  • The way that time-based property change is implemented means that game downtime will have an impact
    on players who could not have played but would still have their pets getting unhappier and hungrier.
    One way to handle this is to have a registry for maintenance events so that downtime can be taken into
    account when pets properties are retrieved (GET).
  • Metadata should be versioned. So are pet data. This is not handled currently.


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