VEDAI is a dataset for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery, provided as a tool to benchmark automatic target recognition algorithms in unconstrained environments. The vehicles contained in the database, in addition of being small, exhibit different variabilities such as multiple orientations, lighting/shadowing changes, specularities or occlusions. Furthermore, each image is available in several spectral bands and resolutions.
A copy of VEDAI dataset could be download from the following address:
VEDAI is belong to the author of paper. If you have other questions, please contact Sebastien Razakarivony and Frederic Jurie
According to this Terms of Use, the base is given to the scientific community for research, and non-commercial purposes only, such as academic research, personal experimentation, and teaching. Any use for commercial and / or industrial purpose is forbidden.
VEDAI dataset is used here only for academic purposes. This page is only provided for academic usage, if there is any infringement, please contact .