Lifeitmesms laravel package to send single or bulk text and voice sms and for balance inquiry
composer require lifetimesms/gateway
In app/config/app.php
add the following :
1- The ServiceProvider to the providers array :
2- The class alias to the aliases array :
'Lifetimesms' => Lifetimesms\Gateway\Facades\LifetimesmsFacade::class,
3- Publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lifetimesms"
in .env file :
Send Single SMS :
$params = ['to' => '03348090100', 'from' => 'Lifetimesms', 'message' => 'Lifetimesms Testing Laravel Package', 'unicode' => false, 'date' => null, 'time' => null];
$response = Lifetimesms::singleSMS($params);
Send Bulk SMS :
$params = ['to' => ['0334809000', '03008090100', '03448090100'], 'from' => 'Lifetimesms', 'message' => 'Lifetimesms Testing Laravel Package', 'unicode' => false, 'date' => null, 'time' => null];
$response = Lifetimesms::bulkSMS($params);
Send Personalized SMS :
$params = ['data' => [['to' => '03348090100', 'message' => 'Hello david! its from lifetimesms'], ['to' => '03008090100', 'message' => 'Hello peter! its from lifetimesms']], 'from' => 'Lifetimesms', 'date' => null, 'time' => null];
$response = Lifetimesms::personalizedSMS($params);
Send Voice SMS :
$params = ['to' => ['0334809000', '03008090100', '03448090100'], 'from' => 'Lifetimesms', 'voice_id' => '1', 'date' => null, 'time' => null];
$response = Lifetimesms::voiceSMS($params);
Check Delivery Status :
$params = ['message_id' => '44a82f4e3dd9bd7a091c1127'];
$response = Lifetimesms::deliveryStatus($params);
Send Voice Request (File Upload) :
$params = ['title' => 'Sample File For Voice SMS', 'file_path' => 'sample.wav'];
// 'file_path' must be the complete path of the audio file
// Valid extensions are mp3 and wav only
$response = Lifetimesms::createVoiceFromFile($params);
Send Voice Request (Text To Speech) :
$params = ['title' => 'Sample Text For Voice SMS', 'text' => 'Sample text of voice sms.'];
$response = Lifetimesms::createVoiceFromTextToSpeech($params);
Check Voice Status :
$params = ['voice_id' => '1472'];
$response = Lifetimesms::voiceStatus($params);
Balance Inquiry :
$response = Lifetimesms::balanceInquiry();
Network Lookup :
$params = ['phone_number' => '03008090100'];
$response = Lifetimesms::networkLookup($params);