Given the high-level dependencies in, and the current frozen packages in requirements.txt (compiled by pip-tools), I would like to know which of my high-level dependencies are outdated.
Unfortunately, pip list --outdated
shows all outdated packages in the active Python environment:
$ pip list --outdated
Package Version Latest Type
------------------- ------- ------- -----
amqp 2.6.1 5.0.2 wheel
billiard wheel
celery 4.2.2 5.0.4 wheel
Django 2.2.15 3.1.4 wheel
django-cms 3.7.2 3.8.0 wheel
djangorestframework 3.11.0 3.12.2 wheel
idna 2.8 2.10 wheel
kombu 4.3.0 5.0.2 wheel
requests 2.21.0 2.25.0 wheel
urllib3 1.24.3 1.26.2 wheel
vine 1.3.0 5.0.0 wheel
There are open issues to filter by a requirements file:
- Allow
pip list --outdated
to take a requirements file · Issue #3314 · pypa/pip - Feature: A command like 'pip list -o' that only shows outdated packages in · Issue #1167 · jazzband/pip-tools
For now, we can take advantage of the # via
comments added by pip-tools to identify the dependencies that are declared in
$ grep 'via -r' requirements.txt | tee
celery==4.2.2 # via -r
django-cms==3.7.2 # via -r
django==2.2.15 # via -r, django-classy-tags, django-cms, django-formtools, django-sekizai, django-treebeard, djangorestframework
djangorestframework==3.11.0 # via -r
requests==2.21.0 # via -r
NOTE: This requires using pip-compile --annotation-style line
to generate requirements.txt
Then, we can use that as input to one of several tools that operate on requirements files.
$ pur -r
Updated celery: 4.2.2 -> 5.0.4
Updated django-cms: 3.7.2 -> 3.8.0
Updated django: 2.2.15 -> 3.1.4
Updated djangorestframework: 3.11.0 -> 3.12.2
Updated requests: 2.21.0 -> 2.25.0
This updates
with the new versions, but does not install the new versions.
$ echo q | pip-upgrade
Found valid requirements file(s):
1/5: celery ... upgrade available: 4.2.2 ==> 5.0.4 (uploaded on 2020-12-08 12:51:27)
2/5: django-cms ... upgrade available: 3.7.2 ==> 3.8.0 (uploaded on 2020-10-28 12:25:57)
3/5: django ... upgrade available: 2.2.15 ==> 3.1.4 (uploaded on 2020-12-01 06:03:32)
4/5: djangorestframework ... upgrade available: 3.11.0 ==> 3.12.2 (uploaded on 2020-11-05 22:04:52)
5/5: requests ... upgrade available: 2.21.0 ==> 2.25.0 (uploaded on 2020-11-11 20:05:15)
Available upgrades:
| No. | Package | Current version | Latest version | Release date |
| 1 | celery | 4.2.2 | 5.0.4 | 2020-12-08 12:51:27 |
| 2 | django-cms | 3.7.2 | 3.8.0 | 2020-10-28 12:25:57 |
| 3 | django | 2.2.15 | 3.1.4 | 2020-12-01 06:03:32 |
| 4 | djangorestframework | 3.11.0 | 3.12.2 | 2020-11-05 22:04:52 |
| 5 | requests | 2.21.0 | 2.25.0 | 2020-11-11 20:05:15 |
Please choose which packages should be upgraded. Choices: "all", "q" (quit), "x" (exit) or "1 2 3"
Choice: Quit.
Upgrade interrupted.
If we didn't quit, this would install the new versions and update
$ pip-outdated
Red = unavailable/outdated/out of version specifier
Green = updatable
| Name | Installed | Wanted | Latest |
| celery | 4.2.2 | 4.2.2 | 5.0.4 |
| django-cms | 3.7.2 | 3.7.2 | 3.8.0 |
| django | 2.2.15 | 2.2.15 | 3.1.4 |
| djangorestframework | 3.11.0 | 3.11.0 | 3.12.2 |
| requests | 2.21.0 | 2.21.0 | 2.25.0 |
This doesn't modify any files or install packages. Requires Python 3.7+.