The Application is built on Angularjs framework.The simplest way To run the application is to start a live server(python simple server or atom live server).The live demo of the application can reached at!/
- Select the planets you want to search in for AI falcone.
- you can Select any four planets out of six planets
- Drag and Drop the vehicle you want to use to send to the planets you selected.
- The units of each vehicle type vary.
- All have different ranges (maximum distance it can travel).
- If the range for a vehicle is lesser than the distance to the planet, it cannot be chosen for going to the planet.
1.Main page and Instructions
2.Planets and Selecting any 4 planets out of 6.
3.Vehicles and Selecting the vehicles by dragging and droping on to the desired planet.
4.Result Page
Image Credits:
- Freepik -
- Uihere -