Foxsec pipeline workers
This worker is designed to be attached to a SQS queue as a Lambda worker, invoked when messages are received in the queue.
Message body is a JSON payload containing details about the fraud detection
event generated by foxsec pipeline. This worker will extract the source
address and generate a WAF ipset entry for source_address
The WAF API doesn't allow metadata to be stored along with ipset entries so data is duplicated and stored in a DymamoDB database. The DynamoDB worker is responsible for scanning items and triggering WAF ipset cleanup actions.
Example message body:
"severity": "info",
"id": "F1510555-C852-4051-A749-8E5125ECCB43",
"summary": " httprequest threshold_analysis N.N.N.N 201",
"category": "httprequest",
"timestamp": "2019-04-30T23:00:34.477Z",
"metadata": [
"key": "category",
"value": "threshold_analysis"
"key": "sourceaddress",
"value": "N.N.N.N"
"key": "mean",
"value": "3.9707556117609863"
"key": "count",
"value": "201"
"key": "threshold_modifier",
"value": "50.0"
"key": "notify_merge",
"value": "threshold_analysis"
"key": "window_timestamp",
"value": "2019-04-30T22:58:59.999Z"
"key": "monitored_resource",
"value": ""
This worker is designed to be ran periodically (approx every 5 min) and scans the DynamoDB items created by the SQS worker to identify entries that have expired.
This worker also has the capability to post notifications to a Slack webhook. The primary audience for these messages is support staff, so sending to something like MozDef or another SIEM is likely not appropriate.