This is sample Next.js starter site that uses Notion as CMS and Chargebee for managing membership subscriptions.
Authentication and user profile information is stored in Supabase (PostgreSQL).
🚀 Fast and responsive
- Fast page render and responsive design
- Fast static and server side generation with efficient compiler
🔥 Membership
- Manage membership with Chargebee subscription easily
🤖 Deploy instantly
- Deploy on Vercel/Netlify in minutes
- Incremental regeneration and no need to redeploy after update the content in notion
🚙 Fully functional
- Comments, full width page, quick search and tag filter
- RSS, analytics, web vital... and much more
🎨 Easy for customization
- Rich config options, support English & Chinese interface
- Built with Tailwind CSS, easy for customization
🕸 Pretty URLs and SEO friendly
- Automatic OG image generation
- Meta tag generation to unfurl meta information on social platforms
- Next.js – Framework
- Tailwind CSS - Styling
- Notion – Content
- Chargebee – Subscription
- Supabase - Database & Authentication
This project requires a recent version of Node.js (we recommend >= 16).
- Star this repo 😉
- Duplicate this Notion template. Make sure it is not public.
- Fork this project by clicking on
Use this template
action. - Customize blog.config.js. All config is defined in this file.
- (Optional) Replace favicon.png in /public folder with your own.
- For local development, run
cp .env.example .env.local
and update the following env properties.
Env Property | How to get it ? |
NOTION_PAGE_ID | The ID of the Notion page you previously shared to the web, usually has 32 digits after your workspace address |
NOTION_ACCESS_TOKEN | Notion Access Token |
SUPABASE_SERVICE_KEY | Supabase Admin Key |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL | Supabase project public URL. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY | Supabase anonymous key. |
NEXT_PUBLIC_CHARGEBEE_DOMAIN | Chargebee Domain name. |
CHARGEBEE_API_KEY | Chargebee's Full access key. |
DEFAULT_PLAN | Your default item plan id. - Eg. free |
API_ROUTE_SECRET | Admin Secret Key to access our API |
How to get API Route secret
Run this terminal command and use the value.openssl rand -base64 32
Run this following seed command once to setup Chargebee.
pnpm seed
This will create product catalog configuration needed for this blog starter to work. You can customize generated product catalog as per your preference.
That's it! Easy-peasy? You now have blog running locally.
Now you can deploy to Vercel using the following button and update the env property values.
Configure Supabase.
- Copy the seed.sql and in a freshly created Supabase project. Go to SQL Editor and run this sql script. This will create required tables, triggers and functions.
- You also need to create a webhook in Supabase that watches the row insertions and triggers a HTTP call to our application to create new customer in Chargebee.
- Finally configure Supabase Auth. You can add social SSO based on your requirement easily from Supabase console.
Configure Chargebee
- Create new webhook with path
. This will allow Chargebee to inform our application about the subscription changes happening at their end.
- Create new webhook with path
How to create ?
1. Webhook Name: create_chargebee_customer 2. Conditions: Table - profiles; Event - insert 3. Type of Webhook - HTTP POST 4. Headers - Content-type: application/json - x-api-secret: {{REPLACE_WITH_API_ROUTE_SECRET}} 5. Create- Awesome. It's your time to write content. 🎉
We love our contributors! Here's how you can contribute:
Open an issue if you believe you've encountered a bug. Make a pull request to add new features/make quality-of-life improvements/fix bugs.
Bharathvaj Ganesan (@bharathvaj_g)
Inspired by Notion Blog, this starter is open-source under the MIT. You can find it here.