*We have created this School Course Management Database System with our project team members @zeynepozturk and @seymanurerkul by using java programming language. Java Swing is used to create window-based applications. Eclipse has been used as an project IDE.
*Our Database is designed for both School classes and Course classes at the weekends.
*We aimed to create fast and simple management system experience
for the users.
The School-Course Management System is a student enrollment management system.The School-Course Management System has three accessors which are Manager, Teacher and Student.All actors must be logged in to use the system.
At the login page, each person (student, teacher, manager) enrolls the system by filling his/her information such as first name ,last name, gender, phone number, birthdate and email address. If the person is a member of the system then, the system pops up the warning message. System members enter the system through the sign in page by id and password.
The school has it’s compulsory lessons for the week days, elective courses for all students and optional mock exams for only eight grade students on the weekends.
A teacher is only associated with one specialized lesson or course. Each compulsory lesson has a designated credit and day in a week. At the login page, the student details are entered.Then compulsory lessons are taken , elective courses and course teachers are chosen.The Student is tracked on the basis of the ID taken in the login page.
In routine students can elect a course if the quota of the course has not been filled yet. If the teacher has a day off or if the student is not accepted to the course by the teacher then the student can not select the course . Only 8 th grade students can select weekend mock exams. Student’s weekly schedule is given to the student. Students can also view the number of students that already enrolled for the specific course.