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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


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Genbank is a FUSE based filesystem which lets you navigate Bacteria in Genbank as if you'd already downloaded them onto your laptop / server.

Folders can be navigated by:

  • accession
  • genus
  • organism_name
  • species
  • species_taxid
  • taxid

Files are only (meant to be) downloaded when you actually read them. Downloads are queued and (by default) only downloaded two at a time. The queue is also limited to try and avoid you accidentally requesting all of Genbank without noticing.

Downloads are cached in a specified folder (defaulting to a folder in your home directory). Next time you try and open a file it should open straight away.

By default some errors (like trying to download too much) will result in fake file contents with a suitable warning.

Lots of inspiration for the FUSE elements is drawn from the examples in fusepy.


This project is not endorsed by NCBI or my employer. I've tried to stop it from filling up your hard disk / doing other bad things but it still might. You probably shouldn't use it.


pip install git+


You need some metadata in tab separated format; the NCBI hosts such a file for bacteria genomes here.

You can also make your own. The format for this is at the end of this README.

mkdir genbank
genbankfs-start --cache tmp_cache assembly_summary.txt genbank

In another terminal, you can now do the following:

me@~/Projects/genbankfs$ cd genbank
me@genbank$ ls
accession	organism_name	species_taxid
genus		species		taxid
me@genbank$ cd genus/streptococcus/
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus$ ls
accession	organism_name	species		species_taxid	taxid
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus$ cd organism_name/*_r6
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus/organism_name/streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6$ ls
accession	species		species_taxid	taxid
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus/organism_name/streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6$ cd accession/
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus/organism_name/streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6/accession$ ls
me@genbank/genus/streptococcus/organism_name/streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6/accession/GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1$ ls
me@~/Projects/genbankfs/genbank/genus/streptococcus/organism_name/streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6/accession/GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1$ gunzip -c GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_genomic.gbff.gz | head
LOCUS       AE007317             2038615 bp    DNA     circular BCT 30-JAN-2014
DEFINITION  Streptococcus pneumoniae R6, complete genome.
ACCESSION   AE007317 AE008385-AE008568
VERSION     AE007317.1  GI:25307955
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA278
            BioSample: SAMN02603218
SOURCE      Streptococcus pneumoniae R6
  ORGANISM  Streptococcus pneumoniae R6
            Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Lactobacillales; Streptococcaceae;

Known issues

The most annoying are that you have to lie to your shell about the size of files. It takes a few seconds to get the actual sizes of each file and I didn't want to have to download them all in advance or wait for them while navigating around folders. I originally just said that uncached files have a size of 0 bytes, but some tools like cat refused to do anything with this. I've now changed to saying that unknown files are all approximately 1TB which seems to result in better behaviour from most tools.

The other issue is that many tools (e.g. head) don't like waiting for ages to get bytes when they read a file and create a 'Socket' error. I could get round this by downloading bits of each file in the queue and returning them slowly to keep consuming services sweet, but this is likely to add loads of complication for not a lot of benefit.


This tool was interesting to write and taught me a lot about file systems and threaded python which I didn't know. It's kind of useful if you know roughly what data you want and you just want to download a couple of files but it's not really revolutionary.

The tool I actually probably need would need access to more metadata about what is in the files (e.g. N50, number of contigs, mapping data?) but a filesystem interface to that is likely to be pretty unworkable.

I'm therefore not going to continue with development but this will hopefully be a useful reference to me (and others) in the future.

Metadata format

You probably want to download a metadata file from the NCBI but here is a minimal specification if you want to use this on another source.

The file should be tab separated with a header row. The header should include the following as a minimum. Order isn't important:

  • species_taxid
  • taxid
  • organism_name
  • ftp_path

The organism name is used to guess the genus and species; the genus is taken to be the first word before a space and the species to be the first two words.

e.g. the organism name Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 is parsed into the following:

  'genus': 'streptococcus',
  'species': 'streptococcus_pneumoniae',
  'organism_name': 'streptococcus_pneumoniae_r6'

ftp_path should provide a URL such as which should include the following files as a minimum:

  • README.txt
  • md5checksums.txt
  • GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_assembly_stats.txt
  • GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_assembly_report.txt
  • GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_genomic.fna.gz
  • GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_genomic.gbff.gz
  • GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1_genomic.gff.gz

The accession ID is taken to be the last part of the ftp_path.

e.g. is parsed into an accession ID of GCA_000007045.1_ASM704v1


Access Genbank through a FUSE filesystem







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