Elixir Gen server example to count how many times the IP is called inside a list
$ git clone project
$ cd project
$ mix deps.get
Running the code
# Start a new iex session
$ iex -S mix
# Start the Gen Server
{:ok, pid} = Ipaggregator.start()
# {:ok, #PID<0.209.0>}
# list of IP addresses
ip_addresses = [
Ipaggregator.add(pid, ip_addresses)
=> ["", "", "", ""]
# Add a new IP to the list
Ipaggregator.add(pid, ip_addresses)
# :ok
# View list
list = Ipaggregator.view(pid)
# ["", "", "", ""]
# Counter the IP's
Ipaggregator.counter(pid, list)
# %{"" => 2, "" => 1, "" => 1}
# Stop the Gen Sever
# Terminating verification
# ["", "", "", ""]
# :ok