Minimal rethinkdb docker images based on alpine linux.
- Based on alpine:3.16
- Uses rethinkdb 2.4.4 built from source
- Based on python:3.9-alpine3.16
- Includes the rethinkdb python driver
- Uses rethinkdb binary from besworks/rethinkdb:latest
docker build -t besworks/rethinkdb:latest ./latest/
docker build -t besworks/rethinkdb:python ./python/
Building :latest from it's Dockerfile takes some time and produces a rather large intermediary build image (~3GB). It's recommended to pull this version from docker hub unless you are forking this project for research/development.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 28015:28015 -p 29015:29015 besworks/rethinkdb:latest
Dockerfile :
FROM besworks/rethinkdb:latest
VOLUME /data
docker-compose.yaml :
version: "3.9"
build: .
- 8080:8080
- 28015:28015
- 29015:29015
- ./data:/data