Docker containers for a phoenix application with elm and postgres
To build and run the docker container, you need
To keep the same file permission between the host and the container, the uid of
the current user needs to be set. That is why the UID
environment variable is
exported. The following command builds the container:
export UID
docker-compose build
cd app
mix deps.get
cd apps
while [ true ] ; do echo no ; done | mix $app_name
cd ../..
scripts/elmify/ app/apps/$app_name
The container can be run with docker-compose
docker-compose up
It can be useful to also have another terminal open with a shell inside the container:
docker-compose run web bash
To set up the database, you need change the hostname in
41 hostname: "localhost",
hostname: "db"
Then you can ecto commands to initialize the database, you need to invoke them inside the container:
cd app/apps/app_name
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate