Just paste a link or search to download your video. The available formats are mp4, mp3, mov and flv.
- Built in search 🔍
- 4 formats 🤘
- Fast in grabbing information and downloading 🚀
- "Show More" Button at the end of suggestions for more suggestions
- Suggestions 🦾
- Download History (safe in localStorage) 🗃️
- Responsive and built with Chakra-UI Framework 😎
- Also usable on iOS & Android 📱
- Trends Page/Top 100 most downloaded videos (maybe with filters: regionCode, category, ...)
- Playlist-Downloads
- Show progressbar for download-state
- Quality choice (480p, 720p, 1080p, 4k)
- Fast batch download (insert multiple urls and download automatically)
- Preview video before download
- Edit start and end points of a video
- Contact form for submitting features or bugs
- Deploy a chrome extension (possible? allowed?)
- Electron desktop app (.exe file downloadable)
Feature on youtubdle.com
Direct download while not leaving YouTube: paste dl between youtubdle.com and direct download the video!
From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE
to: https://www.youtubdle.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongoose
- React
- TypeScript
- axios
- Chakra-UI
Edit nodemon.json
and fill in your personal YouTube-API-Key and MongoDB URL (MONGODB_URL
In the project directory you can run:
npm install
npm run dev
for starting backend
Switch to frontend with cd client
In the project directory you can run:
npm install
npm run start
for starting frontend