make sure to do the following:
read the README
check existing issues (the config problem
tag is helpful)
try with the latest version of molten and image.nvim, latest releases and then main/master branches
run :UpdateRemotePlugins
- OS: EndevourOS (Linux)
- NeoVim Version: 0.10.2
- Python Version: 3.12
- Python is installed with:
`:checkhealth molten`
molten-nvim ~
- OK NeoVim >=0.9
- OK Python >=3.10
- OK Python module pynvim found
- OK Python module jupyter-client found
- WARNING Optional python module cairosvg not found
- pip install cairosvg
- WARNING Optional python module pnglatex not found
- pip install pnglatex
- WARNING Optional python module plotly not found
- pip install plotly
- WARNING Optional python module kaleido not found
- pip install kaleido
- OK Python module pyperclip found
- OK Python module nbformat found
- OK Python module pillow found
`:checkhealth provider` (the python parts)
provider.python: require("").check()
Python 3 provider (optional) ~
- `g:python3_host_prog` is not set. Searching for python3 in the environment.
- Executable: /usr/bin/python3
- Python version: 3.12.6
- pynvim version: 0.5.0
- OK Latest pynvim is installed.
Python virtualenv ~
There's a non-negligible CPU usage when using molten even when doing nothing.
The CPU usage drops to zero when the focus shifts to something else.
See video below.
Reproduction Steps
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
ie. open this file, run this code and wait for the output window to open, then do x
Optionally you can include a minimal config to reproduce the issue. This will help me figure things out much more quickly. You can find a sample minimal config here. If you include one, please also include the output of pip freeze
from the python3 host program that you specify in the config.
Expected Behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.