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Get a date with JavaScript! A datepicker with no dependencies.

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Get a date with JavaScript! Datepicker has no dependencies and is stupid lightweight weighing in at 3.3kb gzipped! I mean, do you even bandwidth bro? Datepicker is simple to use and looks sexy on the screen. A calendar pops up and you pick a date. #Boom.

Datepicker screenshot



Simply include datepicker.css in the <head>...

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="datepicker.css">
  <!-- Via Unpkg CDN -->
  <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> -->

and include datepicker.js just above your closing </body> tag...

  <script src="datepicker.js"></script>
  <!-- Via Unpkg CDN -->
  <!-- <script src=""></script> -->


npm install --save js-datepicker

Files & locations:

File Location Description
datepicker.js node_modules/js-datepicker/ our main file
dateicker.min.js node_modules/js-datepicker/ minified main file (3.3kb gzipped!)
datepicker.css node_modules/js-datepicker/ stylesheet
datepicker.less node_modules/js-datepicker/less less: use it for your own builds


const picker = datepicker(selector, options);

Datepicker takes 2 arguments:

  1. selector - two possibilities:
    1. string - a CSS selector, such as '.my-class', '#my-id', or 'div'.
    2. DOM node - provide a DOM node, such as document.querySelector('#my-id').
  2. (optional) An object full of options (see below)

You can use Datepicker with any type of element you want. If used with an <input> element (the common use case), then the <input>'s value will automatically be set when selecting a date.

NOTE: Using <input type="date"> will cause issues as those inputs already have a built in calendar. datepicker will not change the value of those inputs. Use <input type="text"> instead.

Simplest example:

const picker = datepicker('.some-element');

Manual Year Navigation

By clicking on the year or month, an overlay will show revealing an input field where you can enter a year: Datepicker screenshot


Option Description
position (string) Can be 1 of 4 values: 'tr', 'tl', 'br', 'bl' representing top-right, top-left, bottom-right, and bottom-left respectively. Datepicker will position itself accordingly relative to the element you reference in the 1st argument.
startDate (JS date object) The month that the calendar will open up to. The default value is the current month. Example: new Date()
dateSelected (JS date object) - This will start the calendar with a date already selected. If Datepicker is used with an <input> element, that field will be populated with this date as well. Example: new Date(2017, 0, 15)
minDate (JS date object) - This will be the minumum threshold of selectable dates. Anything prior will be unselectable. Example: new Date(2016, 5, 1)
maxDate (JS date object) - This will be the maximum threshold of selectable dates. Anything after it will be unselectable. Example: new Date(2017, 11, 31)
noWeekends (boolean) - Provide true to disable selecting weekends.
formatter (function) - Provide a function that manually sets the provided input's value with your own formatting. This function is passed two arguments. 1st argument is the element datepicker is triggered on. 2nd argument is a JavaScript date object for the selected date.
onSelect (function) - Callback function after a date has been selected.
onShow (function) - Callback function when the calendar is shown.
onHide (function) - Callback function when the calendar is hidden.
onMonthchange (function) - Callback function when the month has changed.
customMonths (array) - Custom labels for months. Provide an array of 12 strings.
customdays (array) - Custom labels for days. Provide an array of 7 strings.
disableMobile (boolean) - Optionally disable Datepicker on mobile devices. This is handy if you'd like to trigger the mobile device's native date picker instead.

NOTE: All callback functions are both bound to the Datepicker instance and passed the instance as its 1st argument. So you can simply access the instance via the this keyword or the 1st argument.


Method Description
.setDate Allows you to programmatically select a date on the calendar. It takes a JavaScript date object as it's only argument. E.x.: picker.setDate(new Date(2099, 0, 5))
.remove Performs cleanup. Will remove various event listeners and mutation observers only for the instance it's called on. So if there are multiple Datepickers on the page, the others will be unaffected.

Properties & Values

If you take a look at the datepicker instance, you'll notice plenty of values that you can grab and use however you'd like. Let's say you instantiated datepicker as such:

const picker = datepicker('.some-class', {dateSelected: new Date(2099, 0, 5)});

Below will detail some helpful properties and values that are available on the picker example above.

Property Value
calendar The calendar element.
currentMonth A 0-index number representing the current month. For example, 0 represents January.
currentMonthName Calendar month in plain english. E.x. January
currentYear The current year. E.x. 2099
dateSelected The value of the selected date. This will be undefined if no date has been selected yet.
el The element datepicker is relatively positioned against.

Sizing The Calendar

Styles for the calendar are compiled down to CSS from the datepicker.less file with gulp. All the sizes for the various portions of the calendar are relative to a single value at the top of that file: @width: 250px;. To resize the calendar, simply rebuild datepicker.css by doing the following:

  1. Open datepicker.less
  2. Change the @width variable to whatever value you want (try 350px) and save.
  3. From the command line run gulp less.


Simplest usage:

const picker = datepicker('#some-id');

With all options declared:

const picker = datepicker(document.querySelector('#some-id'), {
  position: 'tr', // Top right.
  startDate: new Date(), // This month.
  dateSelected: new Date(), // Today is selected.
  minDate: new Date(2016, 5, 1), // June 1st, 2016.
  maxDate: new Date(2099, 0, 1), // Jan 1st, 2099.
  noWeekends: true, // Weekends will be unselectable.
  formatter: function(el, date) {
    // This will display the date as `1/1/2017`.
    el.value = date.toDateString();
  onSelect: function(instance) {
    // Show which date was selected.
  onShow: function(instance) {
    console.log('Calendar showing.');
  onHide: function(instance) {
    console.log('Calendar hidden.');
  onMonthChange: function(instance) {
    // Show the month of the selected date.
  customMonths: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
  customDays: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S'],
  disableMobile: true // Conditionally disabled on mobile devices.


Get a date with JavaScript! A datepicker with no dependencies.






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  • JavaScript 73.3%
  • CSS 26.7%