Class exercise
All phpDoc references in this project is in french
Yup, I know about securities issues in this code
Start by cloning this git with git clone
git clone
Change the Database/mysql.php connection infos file in the Database class on the construct method
$host = 'hostname';
$dbname = 'name of the database';
$user = 'mysql username';
$password = 'mysql password';
This repo comes with an Integrated CLI, all from scratch called "spacewich", it's a mix between a sandwich and space, yup
The CLI is in french for understanding purposes
To use it, type in console :
php spacewich
spacewich comes with 3 commands for this exercise: populate, serve and seed. populate creates all the tables, serve opens a PHP server to test the application and seed fills the tables with data
To create the tables :
php spacewich populate
To fill the tables with fixed datas (here competences and departments):
php spacewich seed
When it's done, you should be able to start the server and use the application, using :
php spacewich serve