Move cljs files out of the way and other bugfixes
Changes since v0.4.6
New features, bugfixes
c83d831 (mranderson) 2016-02-28 [Benedek Fazekas] [Fix #13]Don't rewrite ns name in a string literal
1165e7a (mranderson) 2016-02-28 [Benedek Fazekas] [Fix #10] skip repackage class files automatically
if there are none in the dependencies of the project
3b52cd9 (mranderson) 2016-02-27 [Benedek Fazekas] [Fix #12] support .cljs files (or at least move...
them out of the way)
cljs munging might just work but not really tested.
5c7bba2 (mranderson) 2016-02-23 [Benedek Fazekas] [Fix #11] bumps up version for next dev cycle
and fixes not working with lein 2.6.0+