Play along with Jeopardy on your smartphone (or any device) -- Buzz in, keep score, and compete against your friends.
- Background Image: "Blank Jeopardy Screen V2" by DrewManDew on DeviantArt
- Score Font: "League Gothic" by Tyler Finck, Caroline Hadilaksono & Micah Rich on Google Fonts
- Alien Sound: Modified version of "laser" by Pixabay
- Cat Sound: Modified version of "044228_Cat Meow Meowing" by Pixabay
- Dog Sound: Modified version of "Small Dog Barking" by Pixabay
- Robot Sound: Modified version of "Robot Noises" by Pixabay
- Alien Icon: "alien" by morphon on thenounproject
- Cat Icon: "Cat" by Daniel Tacho on thenounproject
- Dog Icon: "Dog" by Daniel Tacho on thenounproject
- Robot Icon: "Robot" by AVATAAR on thenounproject
- Buzzer Icon: Modified version of "buzzer" by huijae Jang on thenounproject
- Mute Icon: "no sound" by Rodrigo Sanches on thenounproject