A React Native video player with a few controls. This player uses react-native-video for the video playback.
npm install --save react-native-video-player react-native-video react-native-vector-icons
react-native link react-native-video
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
Prop | Description |
video | The video source to pass to react-native-video. |
thumbnail | An Image source to use as thumbnail before the video gets loaded. |
videoWidth | Width of the video to calculate the player size. |
videoHeight | Height of the video to calculate the player size. |
duration | Duration can not always be figured out (e.g. when using hls), this can be used as fallback. |
autoplay | Start the video automatically. |
defaultMuted | Start the video muted, but allow toggling. |
muted | Start the video muted and hide the mute toggle button. |
controlsTimeout | Timeout when to hide the controls. |
disableControlsAutoHide | Disable auto hiding the controls. |
disableFullscreen | Disable the fullscreen button. |
loop | Loop the video after playback is done. |
resizeMode | The video's resizeMode. defaults to contain and is passed to react-native-video. |
hideControlsOnStart | Hides the controls on start video. |
endWithThumbnail | Returns to the thumbnail after the video ends. |
disableSeek | Disable video seeking. |
pauseOnPress | Automatically pause/play when pressing the video player anywhere. |
fullScreenOnLongPress | Automatically show video on fullscreen when doing a long press. |
onStart | Callback for when the start button is pressed. |
onPlayPress | Callback for when the play button is pressed. |
onHideControls | Callback for when the controls are being hide. |
onShowControls | Callback for when the controls are being shown. |
customStyles | The player can be customized in this object, see customStyles for the options. |
All other props are passed to the react-native-video component.
- wrapper
- video
- controls
- playControl
- controlButton
- controlIcon
- playIcon
- seekBar
- seekBarFullWidth
- seekBarProgress
- seekBarKnob
- seekBarBackground
- thumbnail
- playButton
- playArrow
- videoWrapper
Method | Props | Description |
seek | time: float | Seek the player to the given time. |
stop | Stop the playback and reset back to 0:00. | |
pause | Pause the playback. | |
resume | Resume the playback. |
- Make seek bar seekable.
- Make player customizable.
- Add volume control
- Add fullscreen button
- Add fullscreen button for android
- Add loader
Step 1:
Go to your android\app\src\main\java\your\package\directory
folder where you can find MainActivity.java
. Copy the java files from the repo's android\app\src\main\java
folder and paste them there. Open those files in any editor(Android Studio recommended) and change the package names according to your project. After that, go to your MainApplication.java
and under the new MainReactPackage()
, copy and paste this: new BridgePackage()
and it should look similar to the code below if you do not have other packages.
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new BridgePackage()
Step 2:
Make a folder in your android\app\src\main\res
directory and name it layout
, then copy the player_fullscreen.xml from the repo's android\app\src\main\res\layout
directory and paste it into your directory and then go to your AndroidManifest.xml
and add this before the ending application tag:
<activity android:name=".VideoActivity" android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" />
If you want to remove the action bar, change your theme or change the theme for your activity from the manifest
And then your fullscreen should be working and ready to go!