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Stefan Bechtold edited this page May 8, 2014 · 1 revision

Release HowTo

Prepare the release

In order to prepare a new release, please run the following maven command:

mvn release:prepare

  • Choose a release version of format: x.x.x, e.g. 4.11.1
  • Choose a release tag label of format: rx.x.x, e.g. r4.11.1
  • Choose a new development version of format: x.x.x-SNAPSHOT, e.g. 4.11.2-SNAPSHOT

Note: The first two digits of a release should reflect the compatible JUnit version. In the example above, the release 4.11.1 is compatible with JUnit v4.11.*.

This will run all tests and perform the release preparation. If there are any errors, please fix them and rerun the command. Finally, you should see BUILD SUCCESSFUL.

Pull all changes from the remote repository

The maven release plugin committed the changes to the POM file to the remote repository. Please update your local repository to reflect the changes. Normally, there are two commits like this:

  • [maven-release-plugin] prepare release r4.11.3
  • [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

Perform the release

To actually perform the release, please run the following command:

mvn release:perform

This will create a new deployment unit, sign and upload it to the sonatype nexus server.