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Daniel Kraus edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 21 revisions

PDF Zoom Wizard Wiki

Getting Started

First, download the latest release for your operating system (OS). Each release consists of four downloadable assets:

  • pdfzoomwizard-linux-${VERSION}.tar.gz
  • pdfzoomwizard-macos-${VERSION}.tar.gz
  • pdfzoomwizard-windows-${VERSION}.zip
  • pdfzoomwizard-${VERSION}.jar

For Linux, Mac, and Windows, you can simply (unzip and) use the corresponding native executable. (Mac users may have to control-click the unzipped executable first.)

Using the Fat JAR

If – for any reason – you want to use the provided (fat) JAR instead of a native executable, you must use Java 17 (e.g. by Adoptium) and download JavaFX 17 (by Gluon) for your OS. Afterwards, you can launch the JAR with the following command:

<PATH TO JAVA 17>\bin\java --module-path <PATH TO JAVAFX 17>/lib \
	--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.base,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.web \ \
	--add-exports javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED \
	-jar  pdfzoomwizard-<VERSION>.jar


PDF Zoom Wizard GUI


In "Single file" mode, you can only select a single file to be modified. Whereas in "Multiple files" mode, you can select an entire directory. Within this directory (and recursively all subdirectories), all bookmarks of all PDF files will be modified.


The file/directory to be modified, which can be selected via the "Browse" button.

Filename infix

If the "Copy" check box is selected (default), PDF files won't be overwritten but copied. In this case, you have to provide an "infix" that is placed between the filename ("prefix") and the filename extension ("suffix").

Suppose you have a PDF file my-document.pdf, then my-document denotes the prefix and .pdf is the suffix. If you choose "-modified" as the infix, the filename will be my-document-modified.pdf after the bookmarks have been modified.

Zoom level

The zoom level that will be applied to each bookmark. The PDF Zoom Wizard currently supports:

  • Fit page
  • Actual size
  • Fit width
  • Fit visible
  • Inherit zoom


Displays general information and basic warning/error messages.

For a more detailed report, go to .pdfzoomwizard/log.txt in your home directory. Suppose your username is "alice", then this path would be:

OS Path
Linux /home/alice/.pdfzoomwizard/log.txt
Mac /Users/alice/.pdfzoomwizard/log.txt
Windows C:\Users\alice\.pdfzoomwizard\log.txt


In case you are having any trouble, feel free to open an issue.