This package features data-science related tasks for developing new recognizers for Presidio. It is used for the evaluation of the entire system, as well as for evaluating specific PII recognizers or PII detection models
Anyone interested in evaluating an existing Presidio instance, a specific PII recognizer or to develop new models or logic for detecting PII could leverage the preexisting work in this package. Additionally, anyone interested in generating new data based on previous datasets (e.g. to increase the coverage of entity values) for Named Entity Recognition models could leverage the data generator contained in this package.
To install the package, clone the repo and install all dependencies, preferably in a virtual environment:
# Create conda env (optional)
conda create --name presidio python=3.7
activate presidio
# Install package+dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
# Verify installation
Note that some dependencies (such as Flair) are not installed to reduce installation complexity.
- Data generator for PII recognizers and NER models
- Data representation layer for data generation, modeling and analysis
- Multiple Model/Recognizer evaluation files (e.g. for Spacy, Flair, CRF, Presidio API, Presidio Analyzer python package, specific Presidio recognizers)
- Training and modeling code for multiple models
- Helper functions for results analysis
See Data Generator README for more details.
The data generation process receives a file with templates, e.g. My name is [FIRST_NAME]
and a data frame with fake PII data.
Then, it creates new synthetic sentences by sampling templates and PII values. Furthermore, it tokenizes the data, creates tags (either IO/IOB/BILOU) and spans for the newly created samples.
For information on data generation/augmentation, see the data generator README.
For an example for running the generation process, see this notebook.
For an understanding of the underlying fake PII data used, see this exploratory data analysis notebook. Note that the generation process might not work off-the-shelf as we are not sharing the fake PII datasets and templates used in this analysis, do to copyright and other restrictions.
Once data is generated, it could be split into train/test/validation sets while ensuring that each template only exists in one set. See this notebook for more details.
In order to standardize the process, we use specific data objects that hold all the information needed for generating, analyzing, modeling and evaluating data and models. Specifically, see
The presidio-evaluator framework allows you to evaluate Presidio as a system, or a specific PII recognizer for precision and recall. The main logic lies in the ModelEvaluator class. It provides a structured way of evaluating models and recognizers.
Some evaluators were developed for analysis and references. These include:
Allows you to evaluate an existing Presidio deployment through the API. See this notebook for details.
Allows you to evaluate the local Presidio-Analyzer package. Faster than the API option but requires you to have Presidio-Analyzer installed locally. See this class for more information
Evaluate one specific recognizer for precision and recall. See
To train a CRF on a new dataset, see this notebook. To evaluate a CRF model, see the the same notebook or this class.
There are three ways of interacting with spaCy models:
- Evaluate an existing trained model
- Train with pretrained embeddings
- Fine tune an existing spaCy model
Before interacting with spaCy models, the data needs to be adapted to fit spaCy's API. See this notebook for creating spaCy datasets.
To evaluate spaCy based models, see this notebook.
In order to train a new spaCy model from scratch with pretrained embeddings (FastText wiki news subword in this case), follow these three steps:
Using spaCy CLI:
python -m spacy init-model en spacy_fasttext --vectors-loc wiki-news-300d-1M-subword.vec
Using spaCy CLI:
python -m spacy train en spacy_fasttext_100 train.json test.json --vectors spacy_fasttext --pipeline ner -n 100
See this code for retraining an existing spaCy model. Specifically, run a SpacyRetrainer: First, you would have to create train and test pickle files for your train and test sets. See this notebook for more information.
from models import SpacyRetrainer
spacy_retrainer = SpacyRetrainer(original_model_name='en_core_web_lg',
n_iter=500, dropout=0.1, aml_config=None)
To train a new model, see the FlairTrainer object.
For experimenting with other embedding types, change the embeddings
object in the train
To train a Flair model, run:
from models import FlairTrainer
train_samples = "../data/generated_train.json"
test_samples = "../data/generated_test.json"
val_samples = "../data/generated_validation.json"
trainer = FlairTrainer()
trainer.create_flair_corpus(train_samples, test_samples, val_samples)
corpus = trainer.read_corpus("")
To evaluate an existing model, see this notebook.
- Blog post on NLP approaches to data anonymization
- Conference talk about leveraging Presidio and utilizing NLP approaches for data anonymization
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Copyright notice:
Fake Name Generator identities by the Fake Name Generator are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Fake Name Generator and the Fake Name Generator logo are trademarks of Corban Works, LLC.