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- do not mark extern classes as :used automatically (but still keep t…
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- replaced :defineFeature with __define_feature__
- TODO: js.Reflect.getProperty/setProperty
  • Loading branch information
Simn committed Jul 27, 2012
1 parent f94d452 commit 7a64df5
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Showing 3 changed files with 20 additions and 12 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,20 +77,23 @@ let mark_field dce c cf stat = if not (has_meta ":used" cf.cf_meta) then begin
dce.added_fields <- (c,cf,stat) :: dce.added_fields;

(* mark a class as kept. If the class has fields marked as @:?keep, make sure to keep them *)
let rec mark_class dce c = if not (has_meta ":used" c.cl_meta) then begin
let rec update_marked_class_fields dce c =
(* mark all :?used fields as surely :used now *)
List.iter (fun cf ->
if has_meta ":?used" cf.cf_meta then mark_field dce c cf true
) c.cl_ordered_statics;
List.iter (fun cf ->
if has_meta ":?used" cf.cf_meta then mark_field dce c cf false
) c.cl_ordered_fields;
c.cl_meta <- (":used",[],c.cl_pos) :: c.cl_meta;
(* we always have to keep super classes and implemented interfaces *)
(match c.cl_init with None -> () | Some init -> dce.follow_expr dce init);
List.iter (fun (c,_) -> mark_class dce c) c.cl_implements;
match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,pl) -> mark_class dce csup;
(match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,pl) -> mark_class dce csup)

(* mark a class as kept. If the class has fields marked as @:?keep, make sure to keep them *)
and mark_class dce c = if not (has_meta ":used" c.cl_meta) then begin
c.cl_meta <- (":used",[],c.cl_pos) :: c.cl_meta;
update_marked_class_fields dce c;

(* mark a type as kept *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,6 +198,9 @@ and expr dce e =
| TTypeExpr (TEnumDecl e)
| TEnumField(e,_) ->
mark_t dce (TEnum(e,[]));
| TCall ({eexpr = TLocal ({v_name = "__define_feature__"})},[{eexpr = TConst (TString ft)};e]) ->
Common.add_feature ft;
expr dce e
(* keep toString method when the class is argument to Std.string or haxe.Log.trace *)
| TCall ({eexpr = TField({eexpr = TTypeExpr (TClassDecl ({cl_path = (["haxe"],"Log")} as c))},"trace")} as ef, ([e2;_] as args))
| TCall ({eexpr = TField({eexpr = TTypeExpr (TClassDecl ({cl_path = ([],"Std")} as c))},"string")} as ef, ([e2] as args)) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,7 +241,7 @@ let run ctx main types modules =
let rec loop acc types = match types with
| (TClassDecl c) :: l ->
let keep_class = keep_whole_class dce c in
if keep_class then mark_class dce c;
if keep_class then (if c.cl_extern then update_marked_class_fields dce c else mark_class dce c);
(* extern classes should never serve as entry point *)
let keep_class = keep_class && (not c.cl_extern || c.cl_interface) in
let rec loop2 acc cfl stat = match cfl with
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ let rec gen_call ctx e el in_value =
spr ctx ")";
| TLocal { v_name = "__js__" }, [{ eexpr = TConst (TString code) }] ->
spr ctx (String.concat "\n" (ExtString.String.nsplit code "\r\n"))
| TLocal ({v_name = "__define_feature__"}), [_;e] ->
gen_expr ctx e
| TLocal { v_name = "__feature__" }, { eexpr = TConst (TString f) } :: eif :: eelse ->
(if has_feature ctx f then
gen_value ctx eif
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,7 +1170,7 @@ let generate com =
if has_feature ctx "use.$bind" then begin
print ctx "var $_";
newline ctx;
print ctx "function $bind(o,m) { var f = function(){ return f.method.apply(f.scope, arguments); }; f.scope = o; f.method = m; return f; }";
print ctx "function $bind(o,m) { var f = function(){ return f.method.apply(f.scope, arguments); }; f.scope = o; f.method = m; return f; }";
ctx.separator <- true;
newline ctx;
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions std/js/Boot.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ class Boot {

@:defineFeature static inline function isClass(o:Dynamic) : Bool {
return o.__name__;
static inline function isClass(o:Dynamic) : Bool {
return untyped __define_feature__("js.Boot.isClass", o.__name__);

@:defineFeature static inline function isEnum(e:Dynamic) : Bool {
return e.__ename__;
static inline function isEnum(e:Dynamic) : Bool {
return untyped __define_feature__("js.Boot.isEnum", e.__ename__);

@:defineFeature static inline function getClass(o:Dynamic) : Dynamic {
return o.__class__;
static inline function getClass(o:Dynamic) : Dynamic {
return untyped __define_feature__("js.Boot.getClass", o.__class__);

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