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First pass at JS source mapping.
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Bruno Garcia committed Mar 3, 2012
1 parent 24f815b commit 5386602
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Showing 4 changed files with 152 additions and 13 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/CHANGES.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
neko : Reflect now uses $fasthash (require neko 1.8.2)
all : allow \uXXXX in regexp (although not supported everywhere)
js : make difference between values and statements expressions in JSGenApi
js : replaced stack emulation when compiling with -debug with source mapping:

2011-09-25: 2.08
js : added js.JQuery
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154 changes: 144 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
open Ast
open Type
open Common

type pos = Ast.pos

type sourcemap = {
mutable source_last_line : int;
mutable source_last_col : int;
mutable source_last_file : int;

mutable print_comma : bool;
mutable output_last_col : int;
mutable output_current_col : int;

sources : (string) DynArray.t;
sources_hash : (string, int) Hashtbl.t;
mappings : Buffer.t;

type ctx = {
com : Common.context;
buf : Buffer.t;
packages : (string list,unit) Hashtbl.t;
stack : Codegen.stack_context;
smap : sourcemap;
mutable current : tclass;
mutable statics : (tclass * string * texpr) list;
mutable inits : texpr list;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,11 +85,120 @@ let field s = if Hashtbl.mem kwds s then "[\"" ^ s ^ "\"]" else "." ^ s
let ident s = if Hashtbl.mem kwds s then "$" ^ s else s
let anon_field s = if Hashtbl.mem kwds s || not (valid_js_ident s) then "'" ^ s ^ "'" else s

let spr ctx s = ctx.separator <- false; Buffer.add_string ctx.buf s
let print ctx = ctx.separator <- false; Printf.kprintf (fun s -> Buffer.add_string ctx.buf s)
let handle_newlines ctx str =
if then
let rec loop from =
try begin
let next = String.index_from str from '\n' + 1 in
Buffer.add_char ctx.smap.mappings ';';
ctx.smap.output_last_col <- 0;
ctx.smap.print_comma <- false;
loop next
end with Not_found ->
ctx.smap.output_current_col <- String.length str - from
loop 0
else ()

let spr ctx s =
ctx.separator <- false;
handle_newlines ctx s;
Buffer.add_string ctx.buf s

let print ctx =
ctx.separator <- false;
Printf.kprintf (fun s -> begin
handle_newlines ctx s;
Buffer.add_string ctx.buf s

let unsupported p = error "This expression cannot be compiled to Javascript" p

let add_mapping ctx pos =
let smap = ctx.smap in
let file = try
Hashtbl.find smap.sources_hash pos.pfile
with Not_found ->
let length = DynArray.length smap.sources in
Hashtbl.replace smap.sources_hash pos.pfile length;
DynArray.add smap.sources pos.pfile;
let line, col = Lexer.find_pos pos in
let line = line - 1 in
let col = col - 1 in
if smap.source_last_file != file || smap.source_last_line != line || smap.source_last_col != col then begin
if smap.print_comma then
Buffer.add_char smap.mappings ','
smap.print_comma <- true;

let base64_vlq number =
let encode_digit digit =
let chars = [|
|] in
Array.unsafe_get chars digit
let to_vlq number =
if number < 0 then
((-number) lsl 1) + 1
number lsl 1
let rec loop vlq =
let shift = 5 in
let base = 1 lsl shift in
let mask = base - 1 in
let continuation_bit = base in
let digit = vlq land mask in
let next = vlq asr shift in
Buffer.add_char smap.mappings (encode_digit (
if next > 0 then digit lor continuation_bit else digit));
if next > 0 then loop next else ()
loop (to_vlq number)

base64_vlq (smap.output_current_col - smap.output_last_col);
base64_vlq (file - smap.source_last_file);
base64_vlq (line - smap.source_last_line);
base64_vlq (col - smap.source_last_col);

smap.source_last_file <- file;
smap.source_last_line <- line;
smap.source_last_col <- col;
smap.output_last_col <- smap.output_current_col

let basename path =
let idx = String.rindex path '/' in
String.sub path (idx + 1) (String.length path - idx - 1)
with Not_found -> path

let write_mappings ctx =
let basefile = basename in
print ctx "\n//@" basefile;
let channel = open_out_bin ( ^ ".map") in
let sources = DynArray.to_list ctx.smap.sources in
output_string channel "{\n";
output_string channel "\"version\":3,\n";
output_string channel ("\"file\":\"" ^ basefile ^ "\",\n");
output_string channel ("\"sourceRoot\":\"file://\",\n");
output_string channel ("\"sources\":[" ^
(String.concat "," ( (fun s -> "\"" ^ Common.get_full_path s ^ "\"") sources)) ^
output_string channel "\"names\":[],\n";
output_string channel "\"mappings\":\"";
Buffer.output_buffer channel ctx.smap.mappings;
output_string channel "\"\n";
output_string channel "}";
close_out channel

let newline ctx =
match Buffer.nth ctx.buf (Buffer.length ctx.buf - 1) with
| '}' | '{' | ':' when not ctx.separator -> print ctx "\n%s" ctx.tabs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,10 +228,7 @@ let fun_block ctx f p =
| None | Some TNull -> e
| Some c -> Codegen.concat (Codegen.set_default a c p) e
) f.tf_expr f.tf_args in
if then
Codegen.stack_block ctx.stack ctx.current (fst ctx.curmethod) e

let open_block ctx =
let oldt = ctx.tabs in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,6 +657,8 @@ and gen_block ctx e =
| _ -> newline ctx; gen_expr ctx e

and gen_value ctx e =
if && e.epos.pmin >= 0 then
add_mapping ctx e.epos;
let assign e =
mk (TBinop (Ast.OpAssign,
mk (TLocal (match ctx.in_value with None -> assert false | Some v -> v)) t_dynamic e.epos,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -816,6 +942,17 @@ let alloc_ctx com =
stack = Codegen.stack_init com false;
buf = Buffer.create 16000;
packages = Hashtbl.create 0;
smap = {
source_last_line = 0;
source_last_col = 0;
source_last_file = 0;
print_comma = false;
output_last_col = 0;
output_current_col = 0;
sources = DynArray.create();
sources_hash = Hashtbl.create 0;
mappings = Buffer.create 16;
statics = [];
inits = [];
current = null_class;
Expand All @@ -838,10 +975,6 @@ let gen_single_expr ctx e expr =
ctx.id_counter <- 0;

let set_debug_infos ctx c m s =
ctx.current <- c;
ctx.curmethod <- (m,s)

let generate com =
let t = Common.timer "generate js" in
(match com.js_gen with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -874,6 +1007,7 @@ function $extend(from, fields) {
(match com.main with
| None -> ()
| Some e -> gen_expr ctx e);
if com.debug then write_mappings ctx;
let ch = open_out_bin com.file in
output_string ch (Buffer.contents ctx.buf);
close_out ch);
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,9 +106,12 @@ let find_line p f =
loop 0 f.lrlines

let get_error_line p =
let find_pos p =
let file = (try Hashtbl.find all_files p.pfile with Not_found -> make_file p.pfile) in
let l, _ = find_line p.pmin file in
find_line p.pmin file

let get_error_line p =
let l, _ = find_pos p in

let get_error_pos printer p =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2230,8 +2230,8 @@ let make_macro_api ctx p =
| None -> Interp.VNull
| Some e -> Interp.encode_texpr e
(* TODO(bruno): Deprecated, remove *)
"setDebugInfos", Interp.VFunction (Interp.Fun3 (fun c m s ->
Genjs.set_debug_infos js_ctx (match Interp.decode_tdecl c with TClassDecl c -> c | _ -> assert false) (Interp.dec_string m) (Interp.dec_bool s);
"generateStatement", Interp.VFunction (Interp.Fun1 (fun v ->
Expand Down

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