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another attempt at better legacy switch error reporting (fixed issue H…
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Simn committed May 12, 2013
1 parent b11f884 commit 460763c
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Showing 2 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions.
44 changes: 25 additions & 19 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -1146,13 +1146,15 @@ let match_expr ctx e cases def with_type p =
used_paths = Hashtbl.create 0;
eval_stack = [];
} in
let cases = (fun (el,eg,e) ->
List.iter (fun e -> match fst e with EBinop(OpOr,_,_) -> mctx.toplevel_or <- true; | _ -> ()) el;
collapse_case el,eg,e
) cases in
let add_pattern_locals (pat,locals) =
PMap.iter (fun n (v,p) -> ctx.locals <- PMap.add n v ctx.locals) locals;
let pl = ExtList.List.mapi (fun i (el,eg,e) ->
List.iter (fun e -> match fst e with EBinop(OpOr,_,_) -> mctx.toplevel_or <- true; | _ -> ()) el;
let ep = collapse_case el in
let pl = ExtList.List.mapi (fun i (ep,eg,e) ->
let save = save_locals ctx in
let pl,restore,with_type = try (match tl with
| [t] ->
Expand All @@ -1176,10 +1178,10 @@ let match_expr ctx e cases def with_type p =
let t = monomorphs ctx.type_params (tfun tl fake_tuple_type) in
[add_pattern_locals (to_pattern ctx ep t)],[],with_type)
with Unrecognized_pattern (e,p) ->
error "Unrecognized_pattern" p
error "Case expression must be a constant value or a pattern, not an arbitrary expression" p
let e = match e with
| None -> mk (TBlock []) (punion_el el)
| None -> mk (TBlock []) (pos ep)
| Some e ->
let e = type_expr ctx e with_type in
match with_type with
Expand All @@ -1204,37 +1206,41 @@ let match_expr ctx e cases def with_type p =
Array.of_list pl,out
) cases in
let unused p =
display_error ctx "This pattern is unused" p
(* let check_expr e p =
display_error ctx "This pattern is unused" p;
let check_expr e p =
let old_error = ctx.on_error in
ctx.on_error <- (fun ctx s p -> ctx.on_error <- old_error; error s p);
ignore (type_expr ctx e Value);
ctx.on_error <- old_error;
display_error ctx "Case expression must be a constant value or a pattern, not an arbitrary expression" (pos e)
begin match fst e with
| EConst(Ident ("null" | "true" | "false")) -> ()
| EConst(Ident _) ->
let old_error = ctx.on_error in
ctx.on_error <- (fun ctx s p -> ctx.on_error <- old_error; error s p);
ignore (type_expr ctx e Value);
ctx.on_error <- old_error;
display_error ctx "Case expression must be a constant value or a pattern, not an arbitrary expression" (pos e)
| _ -> ()
with _ ->
ctx.on_error <- old_error;
display_error ctx "This pattern is unused" p
let rec loop prev cl = match cl with
| ((e,p2) :: _,_,_) :: cl ->
if p2.pmin = p.pmin then check_expr prev p else loop (e,p2) cl
| _ :: cl ->
assert false
| (_,Some _,_) :: cl -> loop prev cl
| ((e,p2),_,_) :: cl ->
if p2.pmin >= p.pmin then check_expr prev p else loop (e,p2) cl
| [] ->
check_expr prev p
loop (EConst (Ident "null"),Ast.null_pos) cases *)
match cases with (e,_,_) :: cl -> loop e cl | [] -> assert false
begin try
let dt = compile mctx stl pl in
PMap.iter (fun _ out -> if not (Hashtbl.mem mctx.used_paths out.o_id) then begin
if out.o_pos == p then display_error ctx "The default pattern is unused" p
else unused out.o_pos;
if mctx.toplevel_or then match evals with
if mctx.toplevel_or then begin match evals with
| [{etype = t}] when (match follow t with TAbstract({a_path=[],"Int"},[]) -> true | _ -> false) ->
display_error ctx "Note: Int | Int is an or-pattern now" p;
| _ -> ()
end) mctx.outcomes;
let t = if not need_val then
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/unit/TestMatch.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ class TestMatch extends Test {
return switch([e1.expr, e2.expr]) {
case [EConst(CFloat(a) | CInt(a)), EConst(CFloat(b) | CInt(b))]: a + b;
case _: null;

function testNonExhaustiveness() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class TestMatch extends Test {

switch({s:"foo"}) {
case { s : "foo" } :
case { s : a } : // Warning : This variable is unused
case { s : a } :
case _: // unused

Expand Down

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