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refactoring + allow @:build for enums
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ncannasse committed Sep 16, 2010
1 parent ea62fd5 commit 0a3cd96
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Showing 12 changed files with 311 additions and 289 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ let punion p p2 =

let s_type_path (p,s) = match p with [] -> s | _ -> String.concat "." p ^ "." ^ s

let s_parse_path s =
let parse_path s =
match List.rev (ExtString.String.nsplit s ".") with
| [] -> failwith "Invalid empty path"
| x :: l -> List.rev l, x
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29 changes: 14 additions & 15 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ let fcall e name el ret p =
mk (TCall (field e name ft p,el)) ret p

let string com str p =
mk (TConst (TString str)) com.type_api.tstring p
mk (TConst (TString str)) com.basic.tstring p

let binop op a b t p =
mk (TBinop (op,a,b)) t p

let index com e index t p =
mk (TArray (e,mk (TConst (TInt (Int32.of_int index))) com.type_api.tint p)) t p
mk (TArray (e,mk (TConst (TInt (Int32.of_int index))) com.basic.tint p)) t p

let concat e1 e2 =
let e = (match e1.eexpr, e2.eexpr with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let rec build_generic ctx c p tl =
match t with
| TInst ({ cl_kind = KGeneric } as c2,tl2) ->
(* maybe loop, or generate cascading generics *)
let _, _, f = ctx.api.build_instance (TClassDecl c2) p in
let _, _, f = ctx.g.do_build_instance ctx (TClassDecl c2) p in
f ( build_type tl2)
| _ ->
try List.assq t subst with Not_found -> build_type t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ let extend_xml_proxy ctx c t file p =

let build_metadata com t =
let api = com.type_api in
let api = com.basic in
let p, meta, fields, statics = (match t with
| TClassDecl c ->
let fields = (fun f -> f.cf_name,f.cf_meta()) (c.cl_ordered_fields @ (match c.cl_constructor with None -> [] | Some f -> [{ f with cf_name = "_" }])) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,11 +357,11 @@ let on_generate ctx t =
| ":native",[{ eexpr = TConst (TString name) } as e] ->
meta := (":real",[{ e with eexpr = TConst (TString (s_type_path c.cl_path)) }]) :: !meta;
c.cl_meta <- (fun() -> !meta);
c.cl_path <- s_parse_path name;
c.cl_path <- parse_path name;
| _ -> ()
) (!meta);
if has_rtti c && not (PMap.mem "__rtti" c.cl_statics) then begin
let f = mk_field "__rtti" ctx.api.tstring in
let f = mk_field "__rtti" ctx.t.tstring in
let str = Genxml.gen_type_string t in
f.cf_expr <- Some (mk (TConst (TString str)) f.cf_type c.cl_pos);
c.cl_ordered_statics <- f :: c.cl_ordered_statics;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,15 +464,15 @@ let rec local_usage f e =
This way, each value is captured independantly.

let block_vars ctx e =
let block_vars com e =

let uid = ref 0 in
let gen_unique() =
incr uid;
"$t" ^ string_of_int !uid;

let t = ctx.type_api in
let t = com.basic in

let rec mk_init v vt vtmp pos =
let at = t.tarray vt in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ let block_vars ctx e =
v, o, vt
) f.tf_args in
let e = { e with eexpr = TFunction { f with tf_args = fargs; tf_expr = !fexpr } } in
(match ctx.platform with
(match com.platform with
| Cpp -> e
| _ ->
let args = (fun (v,t) -> v, None, t) vars in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ let block_vars ctx e =
local_usage collect_vars e;
if PMap.is_empty !used then e else wrap !used e
match ctx.platform with
match com.platform with
| Neko | Php | Cross -> e
| Cpp -> all_vars e
| _ -> out_loop e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ type stack_context = {

let stack_context_init com stack_var exc_var pos_var tmp_var use_add p =
let t = com.type_api in
let t = com.basic in
let st = t.tarray t.tstring in
let stack_e = mk (TLocal stack_var) st p in
let exc_e = mk (TLocal exc_var) st p in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ let rec is_volatile t =

let set_default ctx a c t p =
let ve = mk (TLocal a) t p in
mk (TIf (mk (TBinop (OpEq,ve,mk (TConst TNull) t p)) ctx.type_api.tbool p, mk (TBinop (OpAssign,ve,mk (TConst c) t p)) t p,None)) ctx.type_api.tvoid p
mk (TIf (mk (TBinop (OpEq,ve,mk (TConst TNull) t p)) ctx.basic.tbool p, mk (TBinop (OpAssign,ve,mk (TConst c) t p)) t p,None)) ctx.basic.tvoid p

let bytes_serialize data =
let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789%:" in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ let dump_types com =
{ var $t = <e>; if($t,<t>) ) $t else throw "Class cast error"; }
let default_cast ?(vtmp="$t") com e texpr t p =
let api = com.type_api in
let api = com.basic in
let mk_texpr = function
| TClassDecl c -> TAnon { a_fields = PMap.empty; a_status = ref (Statics c) }
| TEnumDecl e -> TAnon { a_fields = PMap.empty; a_status = ref (EnumStatics e) }
Expand All @@ -1112,8 +1112,7 @@ let default_cast ?(vtmp="$t") com e texpr t p =
let var = mk (TVars [(vtmp,e.etype,Some e)]) api.tvoid p in
let vexpr = mk (TLocal vtmp) e.etype p in
let texpr = mk (TTypeExpr texpr) (mk_texpr texpr) p in
let std = (match (api.load_module ([],"Std") p).mtypes with [std] -> std | _ -> assert false) in
(*Typeload.load_type_def ctx p { tpackage = []; tname = "Std"; tparams = []; tsub = None } in *)
let std = (try List.find (fun t -> t_path t = ([],"Std")) com.types with Not_found -> assert false) in
let std = mk (TTypeExpr std) (mk_texpr std) p in
let is = mk (TField (std,"is")) (tfun [t_dynamic;t_dynamic] api.tbool) p in
let is = mk (TCall (is,[vexpr;texpr])) api.tbool p in
Expand Down
28 changes: 9 additions & 19 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,22 +34,14 @@ type platform =

type pos = Ast.pos

type context_type_api = {
(* basic types *)
type basic_types = {
mutable tvoid : t;
mutable tint : t;
mutable tfloat : t;
mutable tbool : t;
mutable tnull : t -> t;
mutable tstring : t;
mutable tarray : t -> t;
(* api *)
mutable load_module : path -> pos -> module_def;
mutable build_instance : module_type -> pos -> ((string * t) list * path * (t list -> t));
mutable on_generate : module_type -> unit;
mutable get_type_module : module_type -> module_def;
mutable optimize : texpr -> texpr;
mutable load_extern_type : (path -> pos -> Ast.package) list;

type context = {
Expand All @@ -67,15 +59,17 @@ type context = {
mutable error : string -> pos -> unit;
mutable warning : string -> pos -> unit;
mutable js_namespace : string option;
mutable load_extern_type : (path -> pos -> Ast.package option) list; (* allow finding types which are not in sources *)
(* output *)
mutable file : string;
mutable flash_version : int;
mutable modules : Type.module_def list;
mutable types : Type.module_type list;
mutable resources : (string,string) Hashtbl.t;
mutable php_front : string option;
mutable swf_libs : (string * (unit -> Swf.swf) * (unit -> ((string list * string),As3hl.hl_class) Hashtbl.t)) list;
(* typing *)
mutable type_api : context_type_api;
mutable basic : basic_types;
mutable lines : Lexer.line_index;

Expand All @@ -98,34 +92,30 @@ let create v =
package_rules = PMap.empty;
file = "";
types = [];
modules = [];
flash_version = 8;
resources = Hashtbl.create 0;
php_front = None;
swf_libs = [];
js_namespace = None;
load_extern_type = [];
warning = (fun _ _ -> assert false);
error = (fun _ _ -> assert false);
type_api = {
basic = {
tvoid = m;
tint = m;
tfloat = m;
tbool = m;
tnull = (fun _ -> assert false);
tstring = m;
tarray = (fun _ -> assert false);
load_module = (fun _ _ -> assert false);
build_instance = (fun _ _ -> assert false);
on_generate = (fun _ -> ());
get_type_module = (fun _ -> assert false);
optimize = (fun _ -> assert false);
load_extern_type = [];
lines = Lexer.build_line_index();

let clone com =
let t = com.type_api in
{ com with type_api = { t with tvoid = t.tvoid } }
let t = com.basic in
{ com with basic = { t with tvoid = t.tvoid } }

let platforms = [
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ and gen_expr ctx e =
| TEnumField (en,s) ->
print ctx "%s.%s" (s_path ctx true en.e_path e.epos) (s_ident s)
| TArray ({ eexpr = TLocal "__global__" },{ eexpr = TConst (TString s) }) ->
let path = Ast.s_parse_path s in
let path = Ast.parse_path s in
spr ctx (s_path ctx false path e.epos)
| TArray (e1,e2) ->
gen_value ctx e1;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ let merge com file priority (h1,tags1) (h2,tags2) =
| TSetBgColor _ -> priority
| TExport el when !nframe = 0 && com.flash_version >= 9 ->
let el = List.filter (fun e ->
let path = s_parse_path e.exp_name in
let path = parse_path e.exp_name in
List.exists (fun t -> t_path t = path) com.types
) el in
classes := !classes @ (fun e -> { f9_cid = Some e.exp_id; f9_classname = e.exp_name }) el;
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ let begin_fun ctx args tret el stat p =

let empty_method ctx p =
let f = begin_fun ctx [] [] true p in
let f = begin_fun ctx [] [] true p in
write ctx HRetVoid;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ let gen_access ctx e (forset : 'a) : 'a access =
VCast (id,classify ctx e.etype)
| TArray ({ eexpr = TLocal "__global__" },{ eexpr = TConst (TString s) }) ->
let path = s_parse_path s in
let path = parse_path s in
let id = type_path ctx path in
if is_set forset then write ctx HGetGlobalScope;
VGlobal id
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1782,10 +1782,10 @@ let generate_class ctx c =
generate_construct ctx {
tf_args = [];
tf_type =;
tf_type =;
tf_expr = {
eexpr = TBlock [];
etype =;
etype =;
epos = null_pos;
} c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@ let generate_class ctx c =

let generate_enum ctx e meta =
let name_id = type_path ctx e.e_path in
let api = in
let api = in
let f = begin_fun ctx [("tag",None,api.tstring);("index",None,api.tint);("params",None,mk_mono())] api.tvoid [ethis] false e.e_pos in
let tag_id = ident "tag" in
let index_id = ident "index" in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ let generate_inits ctx =
(* define flash.Boot.init method *)
write ctx HGetGlobalScope;
write ctx (HGetProp (type_path ctx (["flash"],"Boot")));
let finit = begin_fun ctx [] [] true null_pos in
let finit = begin_fun ctx [] [] true null_pos in
List.iter (fun t ->
match t with
| TClassDecl c ->
Expand All @@ -2007,7 +2007,7 @@ let generate_type ctx t =
let hlc = generate_class ctx c in
let init = begin_fun ctx [] [ethis] false c.cl_pos in
let init = begin_fun ctx [] [ethis] false c.cl_pos in
generate_class_init ctx c hlc;
if c.cl_path = (["flash"],"Boot") then generate_inits ctx;
write ctx HRetVoid;
Expand All @@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ let generate_type ctx t =
let meta = Codegen.build_metadata t in
let hlc = generate_enum ctx e meta in
let init = begin_fun ctx [] [ethis] false e.e_pos in
let init = begin_fun ctx [] [ethis] false e.e_pos in
generate_enum_init ctx e hlc meta;
write ctx HRetVoid;
Some (init(), {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let gen_arg_name (name,opt,_) =
let cpath c =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> c.cl_path
| (":real",[{ eexpr = TConst (TString s) }]) :: _ -> s_parse_path s
| (":real",[{ eexpr = TConst (TString s) }]) :: _ -> parse_path s
| _ :: l -> loop l
loop (c.cl_meta())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let rec exists f c =
| Some (csup,_) -> exists f csup

let gen_type_decl com t =
let m = com.type_api.get_type_module t in
let m = (try List.find (fun m -> List.memq t m.mtypes) com.modules with Not_found -> { mpath = t_path t; mtypes = [t] }) in
match t with
| TClassDecl c ->
let stats = (gen_field ["static","1"]) c.cl_ordered_statics in
Expand Down
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,8 +339,12 @@ try
("-swf-lib",Arg.String (fun file ->
let getSWF = Genswf.parse_swf com file in
let extract = Genswf.extract_data getSWF in
let build cl p = Genswf.build_class com (Hashtbl.find (extract()) cl) file in
com.type_api.load_extern_type <- com.type_api.load_extern_type @ [build];
let build cl p =
match (try Some (Hashtbl.find (extract()) cl) with Not_found -> None) with
| None -> None
| Some c -> Some (Genswf.build_class com c file)
com.load_extern_type <- com.load_extern_type @ [build];
com.swf_libs <- (file,getSWF,extract) :: com.swf_libs
),"<file> : add the SWF library to the compiled SWF");
("-x", Arg.String (fun file ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,7 +382,7 @@ try
close_in ch;
excludes := ( (fun l ->
let l = ExtString.String.strip l in
if l = "" then ([],"") else Ast.s_parse_path l
if l = "" then ([],"") else Ast.parse_path l
) lines) @ !excludes;
),"<filename> : don't generate code for classes listed in this file");
("-prompt", Arg.Unit (fun() -> prompt := true),": prompt on error");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,14 +522,15 @@ try
if com.verbose then print_endline ("Classpath : " ^ (String.concat ";" com.class_path));
let t = Common.timer "typing" in
Typecore.type_expr_ref := (fun ctx e need_val -> Typer.type_expr ~need_val ctx e);
Typecore.build_inheritance := Codegen.on_inherit;
let ctx = Typer.create com in
List.iter (fun cpath -> ignore(com.type_api.load_module cpath Ast.null_pos)) (List.rev !classes);
List.iter (fun cpath -> ignore(ctx.Typecore.g.Typecore.do_load_module ctx cpath Ast.null_pos)) (List.rev !classes);
Typer.finalize ctx;
if !has_error then do_exit();
if !no_output then com.platform <- Cross;
com.types <- Typer.types ctx com.main_class (!excludes);
let types, modules = Typer.generate ctx com.main_class (!excludes) in
com.types <- types;
com.modules <- modules;
com.lines <- Lexer.build_line_index();
let filters = [
Expand Down

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