chore: modernise tooling and reduce package size #2
10 errors
The job running on runner GitHub Actions 25 has exceeded the maximum execution time of 360 minutes.
tests/account/read.test.ts > Account: Read > should get supported tokens from the paymaster:
Error: Error coming from Paymaster: No tokens are supported for chainId: 80002
❯ Module.sendRequest src/account/utils/HttpRequests.ts:45:11
❯ BiconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData src/paymaster/BiconomyPaymaster.ts:204:41
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.getSupportedTokens src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:1063:31
❯ tests/account/read.test.ts:557:22
tests/account/read.test.ts > Account: Read > should fetch balances for smartAccount:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Contract Call:
address: 0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977
function: balanceOf(address owner)
args: (0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC)
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/account/read.test.ts:581:31
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977\n function: balanceOf(address owner)\n args: (0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC)' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', abi: [ { name: 'balanceOf', type: 'function', stateMutability: 'view', inputs: [ { type: 'address', name: 'owner' } ], outputs: [ { type: 'uint256', name: 'balance' } ] } ], args: [ '0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC' ], contractAddress: '0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977', formattedArgs: undefined, functionName: 'balanceOf', sender: undefined, walk: 'Function<walk>' }
Caused by: ContractFunctionZeroDataError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:57:14
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:70:5
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/account/read.test.ts:581:31
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: undefined, metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', walk: 'Function<walk>' }
tests/account/write.test.ts > Account: Write > should deploy a smart account with native token balance:
Error: Error coming from Bundler: AA21 didn't pay prefund
❯ Module.sendRequest src/account/utils/HttpRequests.ts:45:11
❯ Bundler.sendUserOp src/bundler/Bundler.ts:157:59
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.sendSignedUserOp src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:1169:29
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.sendUserOp src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:1135:29
❯ tests/account/write.test.ts:86:22
tests/paymaster/read.test.ts > Paymaster: Read > should expect several feeQuotes in resonse to empty tokenInfo fields:
Error: Error coming from Paymaster: No tokens are supported for chainId: 80002
❯ Module.sendRequest src/account/utils/HttpRequests.ts:45:11
❯ BiconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData src/paymaster/BiconomyPaymaster.ts:204:41
❯ tests/paymaster/read.test.ts:102:33
tests/paymaster/read.test.ts > Paymaster: Read > should throw and error if missing field for ERC20 Paymaster user op:
Error: Error coming from Paymaster: No tokens are supported for chainId: 80002
❯ Module.sendRequest src/account/utils/HttpRequests.ts:45:11
❯ BiconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData src/paymaster/BiconomyPaymaster.ts:204:41
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.getPaymasterUserOp src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:916:35
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.buildUserOp src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:1443:16
❯ BiconomySmartAccountV2.getTokenFees src/account/BiconomySmartAccountV2.ts:1022:20
❯ tests/paymaster/read.test.ts:125:9
tests/paymaster/write.test.ts > Paymaster: Write > should gaslessly mint an NFT:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Contract Call:
address: 0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e
function: balanceOf(address owner)
args: (0x3079B249DFDE4692D7844aA261f8cf7D927A0DA5)
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/paymaster/write.test.ts:77:22
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e\n function: balanceOf(address owner)\n args: (0x3079B249DFDE4692D7844aA261f8cf7D927A0DA5)' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', abi: [ { name: 'balanceOf', type: 'function', stateMutability: 'view', inputs: [ { type: 'address', name: 'owner' } ], outputs: [ { type: 'uint256', name: 'balance' } ] } ], args: [ '0x3079B249DFDE4692D7844aA261f8cf7D927A0DA5' ], contractAddress: '0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e', formattedArgs: undefined, functionName: 'balanceOf', sender: undefined, walk: 'Function<walk>' }
Caused by: ContractFunctionZeroDataError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:57:14
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:70:5
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/paymaster/write.test.ts:77:22
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: undefined, metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', walk: 'Function<walk>' }
tests/paymaster/write.test.ts > Paymaster: Write > should withdraw nativeToken and an erc20 token:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Contract Call:
address: 0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977
function: balanceOf(address owner)
args: (0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC)
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:72:10
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/paymaster/write.test.ts:262:35
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: '/docs/contract/readContract', metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.', ' ', 'Contract Call:', ' address: 0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977\n function: balanceOf(address owner)\n args: (0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC)' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', abi: [ { name: 'balanceOf', type: 'function', stateMutability: 'view', inputs: [ { type: 'address', name: 'owner' } ], outputs: [ { type: 'uint256', name: 'balance' } ] } ], args: [ '0xe6dBb5C8696d2E0f90B875cbb6ef26E3bBa575AC' ], contractAddress: '0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977', formattedArgs: undefined, functionName: 'balanceOf', sender: undefined, walk: 'Function<walk>' }
Caused by: ContractFunctionZeroDataError: The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").
This could be due to any of the following:
- The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",
- The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or
- The address is not a contract.
Version: viem@2.9.16
❯ node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:57:14
❯ getContractError node_modules/viem/utils/errors/getContractError.ts:70:5
❯ readContract node_modules/viem/actions/public/readContract.ts:128:11
❯ tests/paymaster/write.test.ts:262:35
Serialized Error: { details: undefined, docsPath: undefined, metaMessages: [ 'This could be due to any of the following:', ' - The contract does not have the function "balanceOf",', ' - The parameters passed to the contract function may be invalid, or', ' - The address is not a contract.' ], shortMessage: 'The contract function "balanceOf" returned no data ("0x").', version: 'viem@2.9.16', walk: 'Function<walk>' }
tests/paymaster/write.test.ts > Paymaster: Write > should withdraw all native token:
AssertionError: expected 3562334319952271582n to be 0n // equality
- Expected
+ Received
- 0n
+ 3562334319952271582n
❯ tests/paymaster/write.test.ts:359:30
The operation was canceled.