For one of projects I needed multiple files upload so I extended CI_Upload with two functions: do_multiple_upload() and get_data() (that are equivalents of do_upload() and data() respectively but for multiple files). My extension uses dirty hack with substituting $_FILES contents and calling do_upload(), but that's the best way I can think of (duplicating whole class or just do_upload() is much worse).
Maybe that feature is important enough to add to CI, or maybe someone would just find my code useful, so here it is:
# !php
class MY_Upload extends CI_Upload {
private $multiple_upload_data = array();
* Perform multiple file upload
* @return bool
public function do_multiple_upload($field = 'userfile[]')
$files = $_FILES; // we would change $_FILES so we need a copy
$flag = false; // flag indicates if at least one upload was successful
$fld = substr($field, 0, strlen($field)-2); // cutting out '[]' at the end
for($i = 0; $i < count($files[$fld]['name']); $i++) { // for each file
// setting up $_FILES so it looks like we uploaded single file
foreach($files[$fld] as $attr => $values) {
$_FILES[$fld][$attr] = $values[$i];
// performing upload and updating flag
$res = $this->do_upload($fld);
$flag = $flag || $res;
// saving upload's data (it can later be fetched using get_data()
array_push($this->multiple_upload_data, $this->data());
return $flag;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns data about all uploaded files as data() method does
* @return array
public function get_data()
return $this->multiple_upload_data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you for developing Code Igniter!