Tags: bchr02/node-pre-gyp-github
Merge pull request #16 from bchr02/dev Changes: * new --silent option to turn off verbose logging * only options with a default value defined within NodePreGypGithub.prototype.createRelease are passed to the first parameter of github.releases.createRelease(). When I introduced the silent flag I didn't feel it made sense that this property should automatically make it's way to github.releases.createRelease function. This prevents that. * 100% test coverage, including a backwards compatibility section. * running tests no longer includes the verbose messages that get generate from within the module * coveralls badge now on README.md * package.json's scripts.coverage now includes a command to post to coveralls when the COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME and COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN environment variables are defined properly. * coveralls added as a devDependencies within package.json
Merge pull request #15 from bchr02/add-tests **Changes:** * adds test\test.js with over 97% line coverage. * added a test and coverage section to package.json's scripts property. * added some dev dependencies to package.json which are needed for testing and code coverage. * removed some unneeded dependencies from package.json * removed some unneeded modules that were required in index.js * ```NodePreGypGithub.prototype.github = new GitHubApi(..)``` now happens immediatelly instead of within ```NodePreGypGithub.prototype.init()```. The main reason for this was so I could provide a replacement mock to use within unit tests. * added some missing escape characters, so ```/{version}/g``` is now ```/\{version\}/g```