A Helm Chart to deploy a Quarkus API to do CRUD against Oracle DB over encrypted listeners.
- OpenShift namespace in bcgov tenant
- Oracle DB Host
- Oracle DB Port
- Oracle DB Name
- Oracle DB User
- Oracle DB Password
- Oracle DB HOST is reachable over encrypted connection from the OpenShift namespace
- To provide a consistent and simple way { API(http post endpoint) } to do CRUD against Oracle DB over encrypted listeners.
- Teams DO NOT need to learn java, manage certificates to do CRUD against Oracle DB over encrypted listeners.
- Use Node or Go or Python or any other language to do CRUD against Oracle DB over encrypted listeners via this http API deployed as proxy in the same namespace.
- It is a single helm command to deploy to an openshift namespace. The Helm Repo URL is https://bcgov.github.io/nr-oracle-service
- Can deploy multiple instances of this API to the same namespace with different names for different Oracle PROXY accounts.
- The API is secured with API Key.
- The API is never exposed to internet through routes and is only available for apps to consume within the same namespace.
- For Read queries, the POST payload looks like
{ "queryType": "READ", "sql": "SELECT * from table_name" }
, the read query is executed against Oracle DB and the result is returned as JSON. The Query is executed in a readonly context look here. - For mutation(Insert,Update,Delete) queries, the POST payload looks like
{ "queryType": "MUTATE", "sql": "INSERT INTO ... " }
. This is done in a transaction context and the data is committed to DB and if commit success then 200 Ok response is sent. look here.
participant Consuming App
participant OracleProxyApplication
Consuming App ->>+ OracleProxyApplication: Send POST request with API key (X-API-key)
OracleProxyApplication->>+OracleProxyApplication: Validate API key
OracleProxyApplication-->>-Consuming App: Return unauthorized error (if API key is invalid)
OracleProxyApplication ->>+ Payload: Validate payload
Payload -->>- OracleProxyApplication: Return validation errors (if any)
OracleProxyApplication ->>+ QueryExecutorService: Execute SQL query
QueryExecutorService -->>- OracleProxyApplication: Return query result
OracleProxyApplication -->>- Consuming App: Return query result
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: https://quarkus.io/ .
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
NOTE: Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.
The application can be packaged using:
./mvnw package
It produces the quarkus-run.jar
file in the target/quarkus-app/
Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the target/quarkus-app/lib/
The application is now runnable using java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar
If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:
./mvnw package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
The application, packaged as an über-jar, is now runnable using java -jar target/*-runner.jar
You can create a native executable using:
./mvnw package -Pnative
Or, if you don't have GraalVM installed, you can run the native executable build in a container using:
./mvnw package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
You can then execute your native executable with: ./target/nr-oracle-service-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner
If you want to learn more about building native executables, please consult https://quarkus.io/guides/maven-tooling.
- RESTEasy Classic (guide): REST endpoint framework implementing Jakarta REST and more
- Agroal - Database connection pool (guide): Pool JDBC database connections ( included in Hibernate ORM)
- JDBC Driver - Oracle (guide): Connect to the Oracle database via JDBC
Easily start your RESTful Web Services