The shinywqg shiny app uses the bcdata::bcdc_get_data()
function to pull seven data sets from the BC data catalogue when the app launches.
Normally it takes about 14 seconds for the data to pull using the bcdata::bcdc_get_data()
function. Users have reported that sometimes it can take over 90 seconds or even longer and this is often during periods where you would expect high volume use ie during Monday morning.
This issue has been difficult to diagnose because it is intermittent. I was able to simulate the issue by running the function in parallel and the more functions that were running at the same time I started to see the pull times for the seven data sets increase. When the function was run a single time it took 14 seconds to pull the seven data sets and when I had the function running 10 times simultaneously the pull times for the seven data sets increased to 35 seconds.
App users have been reporting these issues and so we are looking for solutions for how to decrease this run time when multiple users are accessing the app.