Tracking and fixing data issues in the BC Provincial Stream Crossing Information System (PSCIS)
PSCIS layers available through DataBC Catalogue:
- to log a PSCIS data error, open an issue in this repo (and note proposed fix if apparent)
- when a data fix has been requested/scheduled, generate scripts to apply fixes:
- create date stamped folder in /fixes
- add readme and sql files per previous fixes
- populate sql with data fix commands
- request replication of current PSCIS data from
- test scripts against newly replicated data in
(requires internal access to bcgov networks) - check out the PSCIS svn repo, add fix folder, commit to svn (see below)
- DBA to apply scripts to both
# check out the repo
$ svn checkout pscis_repo
# copy prepped fixes to svn
$ cp -r fixes/2019-11-20 pscis_repo/2019-11-20
# check status
$ cd chkout
$ svn status
? 2019-11-20
$ svn add 2019-11-20
A 2019-11-20
A 2019-11-20/pscis_datafix.sql
A 2019-11-20/pscis_datafix_master.sql
A 2019-11-20/readme.txt
$ svn commit -m "relevant commit message"
Adding 2019-11-20
Adding 2019-11-20/pscis_datafix.sql
Adding 2019-11-20/pscis_datafix_master.sql
Adding 2019-11-20/readme.txt
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 97.