Some Jupyter Notebooks I've worked on. Here's the background. In 2007, I did research in image analysis that was meant to lead up to machine learning while it was still cutting edge. However, I burned out, didn't graduate (at that time), and lost a lot of my work to aging computer hard drives and time.
I returned to my home University in 2017, and decided to try to resurrect some of my work with images in open source software. It's not exactly "public" or "open", so you won't find a GNU or MIT license on any of this. It's just there as a monument. I did it, you can see it.
I hope my graduate research will be in Applied/Computational Mathematics, computation of PDEs related to the Physical Sciences and Astronomy. If you see something here that looks like it belongs in a thesis, please leave it be. I use this repository through an "ethically sealed communication channel" between myself, my trusted peers, and my research mentors. The code is not meant to be used in any one else's projects at this time. It is simply "there to be seen."
Please don't be Machieavellian with my stuff.