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Pet Classifier CNN and served with BentoML

In this small project, I build a small classifier where based on the picture, it will determine if it's a dog or cat. The accuracy does not seem to be the best, but as I was mostly interested in practicing the concepts and using BentoML, that is not very important to me now. However in the near future I plan to train some other models and pick the one with the best accuracy.


In the root of the project please create this structure:


and put in there the dataset.

Create test, train and validation data sets

First run python to delete any broken images in your dataset. Run python to create the test, train and validations datasets.

Build the model and attach it to a BentoML service:

Run python to build the CNN model and attach it to BentoML service.

Serve the service:

Run bentoml serve PetClassifier:latest to serve the service locally on port 5000 (Go to to see the swagger documentation and try it out.)


  1. - source I used for the model
  2. was found somewhere in the internet, and I no longer can find the real source. Kudos to the person who wrote that piece of code. There are some slight modifications from my side there to make it cleaner.