Source context: src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/
Since Bazel forces licenses to be set for //third_party/... targets, it would be very helpful to document what those declarations actual do and how --check_licenses works.
Likewise, I think that the current implementation is very Google-centric and could use some massaging to work better for the open-source community. In particular, the distribs() doesn't make a lot of sense for completely open-source repositories. It's often necessary to differentiate between executable and library distributions for some licenses, not just client vs web vs embedded.
Since the world of licenses is vast, it will also likely be necessary to provide some way to configure/extend this feature. In my opinion, this feature could mostly boil down to a tagging mechanism that infects/affects all dependent targets coupled with asserts on which tags can/must exist for a particular target.