wat-wasm is a tool for converting WebAssembly Text to optimized binary WebAssembly and back. It has a version of wat2wasm and wasm2wat included. You can use wat2wasm with -O optimization flags with wat2wasm, or even direclty on the binary with wat-wasm CLI. This is built on top of WABT.js and Binaryen.js.
Question? Contact me on twitter: @battagline
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npm install wat-wasm -g
wat-wasm file.wat
Creates a WASM file given a wat file
wat-wasm file.wat -o watfile.wasm
Creates a WASM file given a WebAssembly Text file.
The -o flag allows you to specify an output file.
wat-wasm file.wasm -o watfile.wat
Creates a watfile.wat WebAssembly Text file.
The -o flag allows you to specify an output file.
watwasm file.wat
Creates a WASM file given a wat file
watwasm file.wat -o watfile.wasm
Creates a WASM file given a WebAssembly Text file.
The -o flag allows you to specify an output file.
watwasm file.wasm -o watfile.wat
Creates a watfile.wat WebAssembly Text file.
The -o flag allows you to specify an output file.
wat2wasm file.wat
wat2wasm does the same thing as watwasm, but
the input file must be WAT
wasm2wat file.wasm
wasm2wat does the same thing as watwasm, but
the input file must be WASM
-o is followed by an output file name
-O1 minimal performance optmization
-O2 moderate performance optmization
-O3 maximum performance optmization
-Os minimal size optmization
-Oz maximum size optmization
Rick Battagline
Twitter: @battagline