List of finished include: all PDF codes, PS5 controller, sorting algortihms, LLM TTS UI + terminal, Bash-based splash screen, STT Model, Stable Diffusion Sana
List of not included: Cyperpunk CLI (not in a robust place atm., ambitions to integrate a database an interactive selection-and-viewer tool inside the CLI), and USB logger and port entry tool (Not enough time to fine tune, prevent data-loss and corruption; will push at a later date)
- Uploading a 🗣️local LLM-and-realistic-TTS Models for use in the Terminal
- Uploading a 🎮PS5-to-PC script that allows full integration of a controller into the PC environment, including controller rumble.
- Added local telemetric .csv data per session for usage analyses if interested -- this can be removed if no use-cases
- Uploading a 📑PPTX-to-PDF Converter
- Uploading a 📑PDF Merger with custom footers that apply the orignial file name to help with knowing where you are
- Uploading a 📑PDF-to-text-markdown script that allows you to compile all text within a document/PDF given specified margins (ui included)
- Uploading a ✅Bubble-sort algorithm for a computer directory as well as some other sorting algos.
- Uploading a 📀script that checks physical port entries i.e., USBs, SDs, and creates a dump of easy-to-read information logs in the target drive.
- Uploading various 👨💻.js scripts for consumer ui into a single repository
- Uploading a 🎬cyberpunk-CLI that integrates various commands of a normal CLI such as ls, cd, alias etc. +
- comes with a robust calculator
- comes with a built-in video player
- comes with a built-in text and file editor that (has retention issues atm ... so only per-session saves)
- These commands are done, but may be rolled out incrementtally or not at all due to some issues surrounding cohesion
- Uploading a 🐍bash-and-python script that gives a cyberpunk-esque splash screen with a password lock for your preferred CLI.
- all functions are disabled and only can enter the password to enter the terminal ... this can easily be edited in the bash script if issues occur.
- The only way to exit without a password is to exit the terminal ... or again, editing the bash script :)
- Speach-to-text transcription model designed for video and sound files to convert into .md or .txt files.
- Stable Diffusion model (Sana) scripts for image generation through python.