Tags: base4sistemas/pyescpos
Version 0.4 Most relevant changes and fixes are: * Better backoff retry implementation, including handling broken pipe (EPIPE) errors during write operations; * Added Control iD Print iD Touch printer model; * Fix: SerialConnection attribute 'write_timeout' typo; * Fix: TimeoutHelper attribute initialization.
Version 0.3 * Code base compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3: - Supports Python 2.7; - Supports Python 3 (through 3.6 to 3.8); * Added Bematech MP-2800 TH printer model; * Added support for USB connections; * Changed base class escpos.impl.epson.GenericESCPOS: - Added set_code_page() method; - Added set_font() method; - Added set_mode() method; - Added set_double_strike() method; - Changed cut() method behavior to feed page to actual cutter position before cut, preventing misplaced paper cut; * Using standard logging for hex dump on write to device; * Dependencies are not pinned anymore (soft dependencies);
Version 0.1 * Added bluetooth interface connection; * Added Elgin RM-22 portable thermal mini-printer; * Implementations features can now be easly accessed; * Implementations now provide column widths; * Generic ESC/POS implementation uses "GS k" commands to provide default barcode symbologies (not all symbologies were implemented yet); * Backoff retries can now be configured using an external file; * Rearranged connection classes into package `escpos.conn`; * Connection classes provides example settings strings through `SETTINGS_EXAMPLE` class level attribute; * Various other fixes and minor improvements;
Version 0.0.13 * Added escpos.file.FileConnection for devices attached directly to the file system; * Added escpos.dummy.DummyConnection for development purposes; * Changed internal implementation of escpos.network.NetworkConnection to provide a potentially resilient network communications.