Quickly investigate HTTP status codes with the help of mozilla, including telescope and fzf-lua integrations.
Install via your favorite package manager, like lazy:
config = true,
-- or 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
dependencies = 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'
keys = { { '<leader>H', '<cmd>HTTPCodes<cr>' }}
uses telescope or fzf-lua (whichever you've installed), which can be manually overidden.
opens the Mozilla documentation URLs based on your operating system. This can be overidden.
OS | open_url |
Windows | start %s |
OSX | open %s |
UNIX | xdg-open %s |
See the docs for more information.
Use the exposed command in vimscript:
or in lua:
If migrating from telescope-http.nvim, follow the above instructions—no telescope-specific config is necessary.