Support Intents with geo: scheme to set accuracy ground truth location #528
I'd like to try out the accuracy function in GPSTest, but it seems the only way is to type in coordinates. (There's also a QR code icon, but trying to read the README and linked pages didn't explain that, even though clicking on it gave enough hints.)
I'd like to be able to set a point from a file. There are multiple possible options, and probably more:
- let GPSTest find a file, which should be geojson Point, with one point, and read it
- as above but select the point by name from multiple
- accept a geo share target, so one can load a gpx in osmand (e.g., exported from one's database of points) and share it and select GPSTest as the target. On receiving a point GPSTest should go into accuracy mode with that point.
Probably the share target is the least code for the most usefulness.
This really should be a 3D point, in WGS84 lat/lon/hae. But, for geojson, GPSTest should be ok with ITRF2014 or ITRF2008 instead.