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πŸ“¦ A system where you can share your files publicly on the internet. Upload your files and share them with anyone with a permanent url!


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Repository files navigation

πŸ“¦ My personal storage

A system where you can share your files publicly on the internet. Upload your files and share them with anyone with a permanent url!

🎁 Example example

🎈 Usage

  • Setup your Supabase storage (see instructions below)
  • Setup your Supabase tables (see instructions below)
  • Setup your Cloudflare Workers (see instructions below)
  • Clone repo
  • Run yarn or npm i
  • Run yarn dev or npm run dev to start development server
  • Run yarn deploy or npm run deploy to deploy project to Cloudflare Workers

⚑️ Supabase Storage Setup

  • Create a bucket called uploads Create Bucket Set Name
  • Create 2 new policies as follows Create Policies Create From Template Enable Read Access To Everyone Click Review Then Save Policy Create Another Policy Update Policy Then Save Policy Now You Are Ready To Go

⚑️ Supabase Tables Setup

  • Create table called urls with these rows:
id: int4 @autoincrement
url: varchar
code: varchar
createdAt: timestampz @now
updatedAt: timestampz @now

URLs Table

  • Create table called bookmarks with these rows:
id: int4 @autoincrement
url: varchar
description: varchar
title: varchar
imageUrl: varchar
createdAt: timestampz @now
updatedAt: timestampz @now

Bookmarks Table

⚑️ Cloudflare Setup

Create these environment variables:



🧢 Upload file

Here is an example file upload request:

<form id="myForm">
	<input type="file" name="file1" />
	<button type="submit">Submit</button>
	const form = document.getElementById("myForm");
	form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

		const formData = new FormData(form);
		fetch("http://localhost:8787/storage/upload", {
			method: "POST",
			body: formData,
			headers: {
				"X-Storage-Username": "YOUR_STORAGE_USERNAME",
				"X-Storage-Password": "YOUR_STORAGE_PASSWORD",
				"Content-Type": "multipart/formdata",

Example response:

	"statusCode": 201,
	"message": "file uploaded",
	"data": "http://localhost:8787/storage/uploads/images/374527004130803712.png"

😎 Get file

Send a GET request to storage/uploads/:folder/:file endpoint:

GET http://localhost:8787/storage/uploads/images/137312178217811969.png

πŸ”— Shorten URL

Send a POST request to shorten endpoint:

Also you can add code field to body to shorten url with custom code.

POST http://localhost:8787/shorten
Content-Type: application/json

	"url": ""

πŸ“ Get shortened URL

Send a GET request to :code endpoint:

This endpoint will redirect you to the original url.

GET http://localhost:8787/:code

πŸ“• Bookmark

Send a POST request to bookmark endpoint:

POST http://localhost:8787/bookmark
Content-Type: application/json

	"url": "",
	"title": "Example Website",
	"description": "An example website to test things out",
	"imageUrl": ""

Example response:

	"statusCode": 201,
	"message": "bookmark created",
	"data": {
		"url": "",
		"title": "Example Website",
		"description": "An example website to test things out",
		"imageUrl": ""

πŸ“— Get Bookmarks

Send a GET request to bookmark/all endpoint:

GET http://localhost:8787/bookmark/all

Example response:

	"statusCode": 200,
	"message": "Get all bookmarks",
	"data": [
			"id": 0,
			"url": "",
			"title": "Example Website",
			"description": "An example website to test things out",
			"imageUrl": ""
			"id": 1,
			"url": "",
			"title": "Example Website",
			"description": "An example website to test things out",
			"imageUrl": ""

πŸš€ Using with ShareX

You can use the config file I prepared. Just rename config.sxcu.example to config.sxcu and reconfigure it according to yourself.

πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈ Contributing

Feel free to use Github's features


πŸ“¦ A system where you can share your files publicly on the internet. Upload your files and share them with anyone with a permanent url!




Rate limit Β· GitHub

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You have triggered an abuse detection mechanism.

Please wait a few minutes before you try again;
in some cases this may take up to an hour.




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Rate limit Β· GitHub

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