Kaspresso is a UiTest framework based on Espresso, UIAutomator and Kakao and assisting to write right and no-pain ui tests.
Kaspresso provides a mechanism to handle a flakiness of Espresso.
Flakiness in ui tests is when one test passes 50 times but breaks at 51 attempt without any understandable reason. Unfortunately, it's a disease of all ui-tests libraries.
We like a syntax to write ui-tests providing by Kakao. Just compare:
fun testFirstFeature() {
fun testFirstFeature() {
mainScreen {
toFirstFeatureButton {
But we went even further and made Kakao syntax wider and correlated with the test-case you are writing the test on.
Attention on the code below:
fun shouldPassOnNoInternetScanTest() =
beforeTest {
// some things with the state
}.afterTest {
// some things with the state
}.run {
step("Open Simple Screen") {
MainScreen {
nextButton {
step("Click button_1 and check button_2") {
SimpleScreen {
button1 {
button2 {
step("Click button_2 and check edit") {
SimpleScreen {
button2 {
edit {
flakySafely(timeoutMs = 7000) { isVisible() }
step("Check all possibilities of edit") {
Kaspresso transform your tests' logs into understandable and pleasant text:
We have introduced a mechanism of interceptors giving an ability to catch all actions going to Espresso.
Thanks to this mechanism, the developer can add additional custom actions at each action of Espresso (a logging, a screenshoting), handle results of actions of Espresso and re-run failed actions (flaky tests handling), for example, and do other interesting things.
Part of interceptors was introduced in Kakao version 2.1, another part of interceptors was introduced in Kaspresso.
Espresso or UiAutomator doesn't allow to call adb commands inside a test. That's why we have written special AdbServer repository fixing mentioned problem.
In Kaspresso, the developer can call adb and cmd commands by AdbServer
There are a lot of useful classes in Kaspresso to work with Android System.
Examples of such work:
1. push files,
2. enable/disable network,
3. permissions' giving,
4. emulate phone calls,
5. make screenshots,
6. and other.
Sometimes when developing new features, there is a need to check if the application works properly in all supported languages. Kaspresso offers a possibility make feature's screenshots fast and automatically.
The developer can tune any part of Kaspresso thanks to Kaspresso.Builder
Kaspresso proposes such very important things for ui-tests as the set of rules on how to write ui-tests.
For all information check Kaspresso wiki
To use AdbServer device library, include the jcenter
repository to your root build.gradle
file (if it does not exist already):
allprojects {
repositories {
And then add dependency to your module build.gradle
androidTestImplementation 'com.kaspersky.android-components:kaspresso:1.0.1'
If you are still using old Android Support libraries, use the <version>-support
androidTestImplementation 'com.kaspersky.android-components:kaspresso:1.0.1-support'
English support in telegram - t.me/kaspresso_en
Russian support in telegram - t.me/kaspresso
Kaspresso is an open source project, and depends on its users to improve it. We are more than happy to find you interested in taking the project forward.
Kindly refer to the Contribution Guidelines for detailed information.
Kaspresso is open source and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.