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Martin Mladenov edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 3 revisions

DemoShop is an example web app implementing direct and card payments. It can be found in the DemoShop/DemoShop.Web solution directory.

Note: All types of payments require the CentralApi to be set up and running

Home page

On the home page, users can purchase products and create new ones.

Home page

Purchasing items

When the Buy now button on the home page is clicked, a dialog box appears, where the user can choose a payment type or cancel the order.

Purchase dialog box

After a payment type has been selected, an order is created and the user is redirected to a page where they can complete their payment.

My orders page

On the My orders page, users can view their orders. Orders whose payment has been cancelled are listed as pending and buttons to complete the payment are displayed.

My orders page


Settings are located in the appsettings.json configuration file of the DemoShop.Web project.

Destination bank account

As both direct and card payments execute global transfers, valid information about the destination bank account (where money from all purchases on the DemoShop will be sent) has to be entered.

To do that, please modify the values in the DestinationBankAccountConfiguration section in appsettings.json.


"DestinationBankAccountConfiguration": {
  "DestinationBankName": "Sample bank",
  "DestinationBankCountry": "Germany",
  "DestinationBankSwiftCode": "SAB",
  "DestinationBankAccountUniqueId": "SABK54125796",
  "RecipientName": "Hans Mueller"

Direct payments

In the DirectPaymentsConfiguration section in appsettings.json, there are several configuration options.

  • SiteKey - The private key of the DemoShop website. This should be changed to prevent payment spoofing.
  • CentralApiPublicKey - The public key of the CentralApi. It has to correspond to the one configured when setting up the CentralApi (if the private key of the CentralApi has not been changed, the default key will work).
  • SiteUrl - The base URL leading to the DemoShop (example:
  • CentralApiPaymentUrl - The full CentralApi URL for processing direct payments (example: This is where the user will be redirected after clicking on the Direct payment button.


The value of CentralApiCardPaymentsUrl is the complete URL where payment details are sent for processing (example: