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Tim Ruscica techwithtim
I am Tech With Tim :) Most of the code I post here is showed/created in my youtube videos on the channel Tech With Tim!

@Tech-With-Tim Dubai

Tadashi Amano shinobi8894
Full Stack Developer || Root System || Perazam || Levenue

@RootSystem-Dev New York, US

Ruangyot Nanchiang Rayato159
10% coding, 90% fighting the borrow checker 🦀💀.

Skyller Solutions Co., Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand

Fikri Rudiansyah superXdev
Focus on web & blockchain development, learn something new everyday


mahir pilinux
Have expertise in Eagle and KiCAD, Linux Server, C, Go, Embedded Systems & IoT, Raspberry Pi, AVR micro-controller, TI SimpleLink, Python, RDBMS, Redis, Mongo.
Eleftheria Batsou EleftheriaBatsou
Hi! I 'm Eleftheria, a Community Manager, front-end developer and UXer.

Vue School Thessaloniki, Greece

Orsinium Labs orsinium-labs
Experiments and small projects by @orsinium. See also @life4 for big and popular projects.
Andy Williams andydotxyz
Go, Java and C developer, CTO and technical leader

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Jonas Kaninda jkaninda
Site Reliability/DevOps Engineer Consultant


Bagas Naufal Insani Mr777Nick
Just a normal guy doing code.


MT Scripts MT-Scripts
A community that provides you new free and paid scripts for Fivem
Papan Berjalan mashanz
Tukang Besi di Awan yang Dibuat Buat.

@onxpnet @imp-studio Indonesia

Mehdi Hadeli mehdihadeli
Microsoft MVP | Software Engineer | Interested in Microservices, Cloud Native, Distributed Systems 💙
go microservice go-microservice
Go's microservices actual combat project, you can build applications like Instagram, Twitter and other applications
Matias Fanger matifanger
Software Developer


Scrapy Plugins scrapy-plugins
Plugins for the Scrapy framework

The Internet

Tony Dinh trungdq88
Write code, save the world 🌍


Scott Moss Hendrixer
I build, teach, and play.

@tipeio Bay Area

Emma Bostian emmabostian
Front-end Software Engineer @ Spotify

Spotify Stockholm, Sweden

Gading Nasution gadingnst
Full-time Frontend Developer, sometimes doing a Fullstack on Part-time/Freelance works. Please contact my email if you have any questions or business for me.

Palembang, Indonesia

Bagaskara Wisnu Gunawan bagaskarawg

Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

ahmadrosid ahmadrosid

Metro, Lampung - Indonesia

Noval Agung Prayogo novalagung
World of Warcraft Loremaster | CTO | FOSS Contributor | Technology, LEGO, and Game enthusiast

CTO @ KangarooHealth Inc. Malang, Indonesia

Febrian Dwi Putra febritecno
Keep calm and being a learner. Bojonegoro, indonesia

Tekky xtekky
I code a bit for fun. I like llm's

@onlpx, @onlpsec, @gpt4free Europe

Eric Julianto algonacci

@Braincore-id Bukit Algoritma

Adrian Hajdin - JS Mastery adrianhajdin
Next.js Enthusiast & Educator

JavaScript Mastery Croatia

Danial mdanialr
Backend Dev


Saugi zuramai
I write everything I want to write


Brian briancodex
Documenting the journey
Academind academind
Official Academind GmbH Repository


Shoutem shoutem
Supercharging React Native development!

NYC, New York

RiN r17x
Interest in topic (φ + Losophy), (λ + μετα-Programming), D.x (Developer Experience), & Web Tech. @eFishery @evilfactorylabs @kodingdotninja

@eFishery Jakarta, Indonesia

Resi Respati resir014
web development, gaming, and motorsports, sometimes in that order. professional starter kit creator. 🏳️‍🌈

Pinhome Indonesia

Wildan Alif R wildanalifr
Front End Dev | iOS Dev


Zain Fathoni zainfathoni
A family man with enthusiasm for web technologies. I am currently enjoying a digital nomad life with my family. 🚙

Relay Commerce Indonesia

Fiber gofiber
🚀 Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with 💖
Yusril Rapsanjani yusriltakeuchi
Basically a person who focused on mobile programming and make any cool products for the clients.

Mobile Developer at Bank BNI Indonesia

M. Zakiyuddin Munziri zakiego
Software Engineer? 🏂

@SpeechifyInc Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

Doni Rubiagatra rubiagatra
Partner & VP of Engineering at Zero One Group

@zero-one-group Indonesia

Barry vd. Heuvel barryvdh
Webdeveloper, mainly using Laravel and Magento. Creator of Open Source packages and CTO of

@fruitcake Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands

Hadi Hidayat Hammurabi hadihammurabi
Above Curiosity

@tamankodekode D.I. Yogyakarta - Indonesia

Andi N. Dirgantara hellowin
Data Engineer, having fun with Godot

@traveloka Malang, Indonesia

Go Frendi Gunawan goFrendiAsgard
Mere Mortal Alchemist at @state-alchemists

@state-alchemists Malang, East Java, Indonesia