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Octogon Panel

super early stuff

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what is this?

This is an all-purpose streaming tool for esports tournaments. while this was made for SSBM specifically, the codebase is being modeled such that supporting other games later is possible.

Current features:

  • A scoreboard control GUI and overlays
  • overlays
  • Spotify overlays


Linux and Windows builds can be found on the latest release.

For other platforms, see the Running section for instructions on how to build and run Octogon.

Running and Building


  1. Install Python 3.
  2. git clone this repository to a folder, or click the "Code" button on the top of this page, click "Download ZIP", and extract it to a folder.
  3. Open a terminal in the folder (on Windows Explorer, Alt+D and type cmd in the address bar of the window).
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, to run the program run python

To build the program, run pyinstaller build.spec. The executable should be located in the dist folder.


A config.json file will be created when this program is first run. In this config you'll find a few options that are left blank. You must set these manually for the integration to work.

smashgg_api_key: an API key required by to retrieve information from their servers. You can create an API key through here.

smashgg_tourny_slug: the ID of your tournament from your tournament page. For example, if the link to my tournament is, then the slug is octo-gon-8. This is used to retrieve the start date and time for the countdown layout.

smashgg_event_id: the ID of the event to retrieve bracket and standing information from. You can find this by going into the settings for an event on For example, if the settings page for my event is, then the ID is 532752.

To reload the configuration, please close and re-open the program.


1. Adding layouts to OBS

This program runs a server that serves HTML pages when connecting to certain URLs. This is intended for use with the "Browser" source in OBS. Browser Source

Be default, this program serves webpages to localhost:8000.

Example source URLs:

# scoreboard source (to be used with the background source)
# recommended size: 1920x1080
localhost:8000/background  # includes a mask cutout for gameplay capture

# sources
# recommended size: 500x1080 (can adjust for wider or narrower display)

# spotify source (shows the current song and artist if playing music on Spotify)
# recommended size: 1920x100 (can adjust to make narrower, note the text might get cut off)

The most up-to-date list of sources can be found in

2. Controlling the Scoreboard

When run, a window will open containing scoreboard controls. Octogon Panel

Edit the information on the window, then update the scoreboard overlay by clicking "Update".

3. Customizing

(Please note that the folder/file names are WIPs and may change at any time.)


Backgrounds can be added into the assets/bgs/ folder. At this time, only assets/bgs/1.png is loaded.


HTML templates are located in templates/html, which are rendered using Jinja2 when serving overlays. SCSS files are used for styling, and can be found in style/html. These files are rendered automatically when they are modified.

Character Portraits

Character portraits can be found in assets/portraits/. These can be changed as long as they use the same filenames, however note that currently only the default color (Default.png) is used.

4. Troubleshooting

Having trouble with the app? Check the Troubleshooting page to see if your problem is listed there.

If not, feel free to open an issue explaining the problem.


BG from the screenshot: link

Server made with flask
GUI made with pyqt5
HTML templating made with jinja2
SCSS compiling made with scss\

and also, some GraphQL had to be written to interface with's API.