A windows app to help concentration by displaying a countdown timer and coloured flashes as the countdown gets closer to zero.
The current task can be named by using a text box.
The time can be reset, paused, added to, subtracted from.
The window can be resized and the text scales with it. I find the more important the task, the more screen should be filled with the app.
The background is white but flashes every 10 seconds -
- Green: > 10 minutes left
- Orange: <= 10 minutes left
- Red: time has run out
App icon is googley eyes as they most accurately capture the expression of someone when they realize how much task there is to do in so little time.
- Configurable colours
- Configurable time thresholds
- Improved text scaling
- Final countdown audio clip
- Audio clips to signify green to orange time transition
- Over typing the time text for better time control
- Improved +/- button control/increments
- Optionally swap colour flash for configurable gif animation
- Gif animation library/folder