Example php script to help you integrate with our text-to-speech API.
This is an example php script for uploading text file and saving the audio into a .wav file.
You will need to have the php-curl module installed.
in Linux (ubuntu, debian) :
sudo apt install php-curl
in Windows : inside php.ini file uncomment the line (remove the preceeding ;) extension=php_curl.dll
php client.py --input-type file -t text/example-tr.txt -l tr-TR -i api_user_id -k api_token -o example-tr.wav
php client.py --input-type text -t "any text" -l tr-TR -i api_user_id -k api_token -o example-tr.wav
In this example for input type 'file' the script uploads 'example-tr.txt', synthesizes speech using our tr-TR text-to-speech and saves the resulting audio as 'example-tr.wav' when the synthesizing process finished. For input type 'text' the script sends text to the server, synthesizes speech using our tr-TR text-to-speech and saves the resulting audio as 'example-tr.wav' when the synthesizing process finished.
To get user id and API token, send a request to info@azreco.az. To confirm your request, we will ask you some details about your purpose in using API.