The ScyllaDB Adapter for MoleculerJS is a powerful and efficient adapter that allows you to seamlessly integrate ScyllaDB with your Moleculer microservices. This adapter provides a simple and intuitive API for performing CRUD operations, making it easy to manage your data in a ScyllaDB database.
This adapter is built using the express-cassandra package, which simplifies interactions with Cassandra and ScyllaDB.
- CRUD Operations: Easily perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on your ScyllaDB collections.
- Connection Management: Automatically handle connections to your ScyllaDB instance.
- Model Support: Define your data models using a schema and interact with them through the adapter.
- Error Handling: Gracefully handle connection and operation errors.
- UUID Support: Convert string IDs to UUIDs and generate new UUIDs for your entities.
- Testing: Comprehensive unit tests to ensure the reliability of the adapter.
$ npm install moleculer-db moleculer-db-adapter-scylla --save
Create a Moleculer Service: Define a service that uses the ScyllaDB adapter.
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");
const ScyllaDbAdapter = require("moleculer-db-adapter-scylla");
const users = require('./users.model'); // Import your model
const scyllaOptions = {
contactPoints: [""],
localDataCenter: "datacenter1",
keyspace: "test",
authProvider: { username: "cassandra", password: "cassandra" },
ormOptions: {
defaultReplicationStrategy: {
class: 'SimpleStrategy',
replication_factor: 1
migration: 'safe'
const adapter = new ScyllaDbAdapter(scyllaOptions);
const broker = new ServiceBroker();
name: "users",
mixins: [DbService],
adapter: adapter,
model: users,
settings: {
// Define any additional settings here
// Create a new user
.then(() =>"users.create", {
username: "Alice", password: "1234566", age: 21
// Get all users
.then(() =>"users.find", {q: {}}).then(console.log));
Example with scylla options
const scyllaOptions = {
contactPoints: [""],
localDataCenter: "datacenter1",
keyspace: "test",
authProvider: { username: "cassandra", password: "cassandra" },
ormOptions: {
defaultReplicationStrategy: {
class: 'SimpleStrategy',
replication_factor: 1
migration: 'safe'
const adapter = new ScyllaDbAdapter(scyllaOptions);
$ npm test
In development with watching
$ npm run ci
- Moleculer - A modern microservices framework for Node.js.
- ScyllaDB - A high-performance NoSQL database compatible with Apache Cassandra.
- express-cassandra - A package that simplifies interactions with Cassandra and ScyllaDB.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2024 Azita Abdollahi