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Done by me during first semester of college

  1. Arduino AccelerometerADXL345- code: GROUP PROJECT Our group(Chintan Puggalok( and (Hari P. Nambiar( had made a toothbrush which could detect the type of tooth being brushed depending on the orientation of the brush and instruct the user to brush accordingly, using different modes, to enable the most efficient brushing possible. This is a code written in arduino, to configure the accelerometer ADXL345 to detect orienatation. If the brush bristles are horizontal(as detected by accelerometer), it would mean that the user is nmost probable brushing incisors. If the brush bristles are vertically downwards(as detected by accelerometer), it would mean that user is brushing lower molars. Else if brush bristles are vertically upwards(as detected by accelerometer), it would mean that user is brushing top molars. Else if brush bristles are diagonally facing, it implies that the user is most probably brushing canines. Other than this, we have made video and aa website to demonstrate use of the toothbrush.

  2. ASSIGNMENT1- IP INDIVIDUAL WORK Five functions were implemented: a)getLatestRates() : return a json string that is a response to latest rates query. The attributes of json string are rates, base, date. b)changeBase(): store the json as a string and take original currency, desired currency, date and amount as parameters and convert amount of original currency to desired currency on a soecific date. c)printAscending(): get json string of latest rates and print all currencies in ascending order using rates.Used bubble sort for the same. d)FindMissingDates(): print all dates whose information is not present in a valid range from the url e)Testing: Modular testing done by unittest module of python

  3. ASSIGNMENT3-IP Group Project Use of brute force to find minimum distance between two points in a 2-D space. Further, implementation of divide and conquer algorithm to find the same. Involves use of the fact that if any two points in a box are at a distance of d apart,then, only 6 points an exist in that box.

  4. ASSIGNMENT4-IP INDIVIDUAL WORK Made a game in python using classes and objects. It is a grid of size(n*n) and n is to be taken as an input from the user. The player can move up, down, left or right in the grid and can rotate the grid clockwise or anticlockwise. There is a record of score which is calculated. If the player hits an obstacle, his score is decreased. If the player hits a number in the grid, his score increases. If the player is able to reach final cell of grid, he wins, else he loses. The project has been more elaborately explained in an attacked pdf.


Done by me during first semester of college






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